How to crop the lower right part of the image with Python OpenCV


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Target person

--Python beginner --People who want to crop a photo but don't know how to do it --For those who want to crop multiple photos at once

What i did

Implementation of the source that cuts out and saves only the lower right part of multiple photos. It's hard to understand even if I write only words, so it's a cropped photo immediately.

Before trimming


After trimming


Source code

import os, glob
import cv2

#Photo folder to be cropped
importPath = r"C:\Users\User\Desktop\photo"
#File storage location after trimming
outputPath = r"C:\Users\User\Desktop\output"
#File name for saving
fileName = "trim_photo"

#Crop photos in the target folder with a loop
i = 1
for infile in glob.glob( os.path.join(importPath, '*.png') ): #Specify only png format
    #File name generation
    imgname= fileName + str(i)
    #File reading
    img = cv2.imread(infile)
    #Specify the trimming area and cut out
    img = img[0 : 200, 0 : 300]
    cv2.imwrite(outputPath + imgname + '.png', img)
    i = i +1

Trimming area specified part

The trimming area is specified in the following places.

    #Specify the trimming area and cut out
    img = img[0 : 200, 0 : 300]

In the above case, it is specified to cut out 200 pixels from the bottom and 300 pixels from the right.


It's nice to be able to implement Python easily.

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