[PYTHON] Data visualization method using matplotlib (2)

Following on from Yesterday, I will explain the functions of matplotlib.

Colors, markers, linetypes

import numpy as np
from pandas import *
from pylab import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import font_manager
from numpy.random import randn

prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(fname="/usr/share/fonts/truetype/fonts-japanese-gothic.ttf")

r = randn(30).cumsum()

#Specify color, linetype, marker
#Black, dashed line, marker is o
plt.plot(r, color='k', linestyle='dashed', marker='o')

plt.savefig("image.png ")


Lines are connected by a straight line by default. You can change this with the drawstyle option.

#Explicit RGB value
plt.plot(r, color='#ff0000', linestyle='dashed', marker='o', label='dashed')
#Change drawstyle
plt.plot(r, color='#0000ff', drawstyle='steps-post', label='steps-post')
#Add a legend

plt.savefig("image2.png ")


Scale, label

plt.xlim () and plt.xticks () return the current value when called with no arguments. Parameters can be set by specifying a value as an argument to this.

#Check the current value with no arguments
print( plt.xlim() )
# => (0.0, 30.0)
print( plt.xticks() )
# => (array([  0.,   5.,  10.,  15.,  20.,  25.,  30.]), <a list of 7 Text xticklabel objects>)

#Set a new value
plt.xlim([0, 40])

print( plt.ylim() )
# => (-7.0, 3.0)
print( plt.yticks() )
# => (array([-8., -6., -4., -2.,  0.,  2.,  4.]), <a list of 7 Text yticklabel objects>)

plt.ylim([-10, 10])

plt.savefig("image3.png ")


Axis customization

Consider the following random walk plot.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

r = randn(1000).cumsum()

plt.savefig("image4.png ")


Let's customize the scale and label of this. For example, the X-axis is ranked by 250, the characters are tilted 30 degrees, and they are displayed in Japanese.

ax.set_xticks([0, 250, 500, 750, 1000])
ax.set_xticklabels(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], rotation=30, fontsize='small')
ax.set_title('Test matplotlib plot', fontproperties=prop)
ax.set_xlabel('Rank', fontproperties=prop)

plt.savefig("image5.png ")


Add legend

An easy way to identify the plotted data is to label it and display it in a legend. It will be easier to understand if you separate the colors and line types for each data.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

def randn1000():
    return randn(1000).cumsum()

ax.plot(randn1000(), 'k', label='one')
ax.plot(randn1000(), 'b--', label='two')
ax.plot(randn1000(), 'r.', label='three')
ax.plot(randn1000(), 'g+', label='four')
ax.plot(randn1000(), 'b*', label='five')

plt.ylim([-100, 100])


plt.savefig("image6.png ")


Options when saving a file

You can specify image file options with plt.savefig ().

argument Description
fname The character string containing the file path, the Python file object, and the format are automatically determined from the extension.
dpi The number of dots per inch and the resolution of the figure. The default is 100.
facecolor,edgecolor Background color outside the subplot. The default is w(White) 。
format When you want to specify the file format explicitly. png,pdf etc.
bbox_inches Specify the part to save in the figure. Specifying tight removes the blank area around the figure.

This time around, pandas hasn't appeared yet, so so far we're talking purely about matplotlib. From the next time, I will plot in combination with pandas.


Matplotlib usage notes http://www.geocities.jp/showa_yojyo/note/python-matplotlib.html

Introduction to data analysis with Python-Data processing using NumPy and pandas http://www.oreilly.co.jp/books/9784873116556/

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