[GO] Python Competitive Programming Site Summary


It is one of the largest competitive programming sites in Japan. You can participate in real-time online contests and challenge more than 3000 past questions at any time. It's a good idea to first get used to the operation and format in the past questions, and then challenge the online contest.

It has also been adopted by well-known major companies such as Google, DeNA, and Keyence, and if you achieve excellent results with AtCoder, you will receive scouts from those companies.

Not only programming skills and algorithm knowledge, but also some sense of mathematics is required.

As an aside, recent University of Tokyo students are competing for mounts at the rank of At Coder ... It seems that red is rumbling instead of blue. They are the best math people in Japan, so they have a high affinity.



The world's largest machine learning and data science community. Huge datasets are also easily available.

After all, Kaggle's biggest feature is Competetion. It's like a combination of programming battle royale and vidicon, where you take part in competition-style challenges and buy the most accurate models for the challenges presented by companies and governments.

Competetion is one of the highest level competitions in the world, but even beginners are provided with features like Kernel and Discussion.



This is a coding test SaaS for corporations. It is one of the most introduced coding tests in the world and has been adopted by Google and Mercari in Japan. Coding tests are almost essential when you are looking for a job as an engineer, so it is a good idea to take measures with exercises for Codility engineers.

Codility for Programmers


AtCoder turned blue (algorithm power is counter stop in more than 80% of IT companies), so I will summarize what seems to be necessary until it turns blue Guidelines for improving AtCoder, a competition pro taught by Red Coder [Beginner: Let's start competition pro] What to do next after registering with Kaggle ~ You can fight enough if you do this! Getting Started with Titanic 10 Kernel ~ Solve Kaggle's Regression to become Kaggler

[2nd Edition] Theory and Practice by Python Machine Learning Programming Expert Data Scientists

Data analysis technology that wins with Kaggle

[Kikagaku style] Artificial intelligence / machine learning de-black box course-Beginner-

Aidemy has also released the long-awaited Kaggle Preparation Course ("Practical Data Science Course β Version").

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