Standard input / summary / python, ruby

As a memo for myself, I have summarized the standard input that is likely to be used frequently in paiza's skill check and AtCoder.



s = input()


s = gets.chomp

Numerical value


n = int(input())


n = gets.chomp.to_i

Separate with a space

Enter space-separated values as numbers in individual variables


1 2 3 


a,b,c = map(int,input().split())
#Note the int comma input dot split


a,b,c =

Enter space-separated values as characters in individual variables


red blue yellow 


a,b,c = input().split()


a,b,c = gets.chomp.split

Enter space-separated values in the list (characters / numbers)


spring summer autumn winter
101 102 103 104


x = input().split()
y = list( map(int,input().split()) )


x = gets.chomp.split
y =



Multiple lines

Input: n (number of lines)    i1    .    .    in

Enter n rows of values in the list [i1, i2, i3, ....., in]


n = int(input())
I = [ input() for i in range(n) ]


n = gets.chomp.to_i
array = []
n.times do
 i = gets.chomp

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