[Python] Add comments to standard input files

  1. Module for commenting standard input files -Last time, I uploaded the method of using a text file for standard input. -When describing the calculation conditions in this text file, it is inconvenient if the value is not stated. ・ Therefore, I created an input module that allows you to set rules and write comments. -The rule decided to judge the comment after'#' according to the Python code.

def input_aif (): Valid data before #'#' s = input() start = s.find ('#') #'#' Find the first position if start> 0: s = s [: start] # Extract the previous slices s = s.rstrip () # Remove whitespace on the right side (tabs and line breaks are also removed) return s

It may not be used in this way, but I think it's easy to use because it matches the coding rules of python. Supervised, thank you.

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