[Python] About standard input

Describe what you have learned about acquiring standard input

Enter N lines



for a in range(3):
    c = input()

Input of two integers separated by a single-byte space

6 90

input_line = input().split()

for a in input_line:

Input of N integers given in the second line

56 78 39 26 4 553


input_line = int(input())
#Get the first of the inputs

    for a in range(input_line):
        v = input().split()
except EOFError:
#1. 1. The first numerical value obtained in the for statement is rotated by range and assigned to the variable a in order from 0.
#2. Get the second input on the second line of for minutes and split()Split the string with
#3. Repeat for the first number obtained

for d in v:

※try-If you do not include an except statement, EOFError:I get the error EOF when reading a line

Input of two sets of integers

57 10
53 38
9  46
96 29

57 10
53 38
9  46
96 29

input_line = int(input())

for i in range(input_line):
    a, b = input().split()
#Here a,The values on the first and second lines are separated in b.
    print(a, b)

Selection from a set of integers (extraction from a specific number of sets)

46 5
2 7
89 6
81 0
46 675
2 948
68 35
17 10
26 64
28 95

26 64

#Output with if statement
input_line = int(input())

for a in range(input_line):
    x, y = input().split()
    if a == 7: 
        print(x, y)

[Another solution]
#Add to list and output
myinput = []
input_line = int(input())

for a in range(input_line):
    x, y = input().split()
    myinput.append((x, y))

print(' '.join(myinput[7]))

It has nothing to do with input

import string
#The string module is a module that gets a string

alphabets = string.ascii_uppercase
# ascii_lowercase gets a to z
# ascii_uppercase gets A to Z
#digits get the numbers

#What number in the index is X?
print(alphabets.index("X") + 1)  # 24

Updated from time to time

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