About __all__ in python

When I was studying python before, I mentioned __all__, but I'm starting to wonder what it is recently, so I'll make a note of it.

__all__ is what you write in the __init__.py file. So all the strings you write in all will be imported when this python module is imported.

So, with from package import *, the function of the previous string in this package will be imported. Other than that, it will not be imported.

It was that. that's all

By the way, from package import * is a very disliked writing style, so be careful not to use it as much as possible.

The following is the answer when asked by the overseas community that I referred to. The outline is written above, so please have a look if you are interested.

__all__ is a variable that can be set in the __init__.py file of a package.

The __all__ variable is a list of strings which defines those symbols that are imported when a program does

from package import * If the __all__ for this package was set as follows:

all = ['echo', 'effect', 'reverb']

from package import *

would be equivalent to

from package import echo
from package import effect
from package import reverb

Note that using from <package> import * is considered bad style in production code, since you have no control over what >you are importing and what your import might shadow.

for more information see : 6. Modules - Python 3.8.2 documentation

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