Python summary

I've learned a lot, so I'm going to put it together.

Python code

Python basics

Python basics ① Python basics ② Python basics ③


Python application: Numpy part 1: Basic Python application: Numpy Part 2: One-dimensional array Python application: Numpy Part 3: Double array


Python application: Pandas Part 1: Basic Python application: Pandas Part 2: Series Python application: Pandas Part 3: Dataframe Python application: Pandas Part 4: Concatenating and combining DataFrames

Handling Python data

Data visualization

Python application: Data visualization part 1: Basic Python application: Data visualization part 2: matplotlib Python application: Data visualization part 3: Various graphs

Data cleansing

Application of Python: Data Cleansing Part 1: Python Notation Application of Python: Data cleansing Part 2: Data cleansing using DataFrame Python application: Data cleansing Part 3: Use of OpenCV and preprocessing of image data

Data handling

Python application: Data handling Part 1: Data formatting and file input / output Python application: Data handling Part 2: Parsing various data formats Python application: Data handling Part 3: Data format

Machine learning

Machine learning overview

Introduction to Machine Learning Machine learning flow Performance evaluation index

Supervised learning

Python: Supervised Learning (Regression) Python: Application of supervised learning (regression) Python: Supervised Learning (Classification) Python: Supervised Learning: Hyperparameters Part 1 Python: Supervised Learning: Hyperparameters Part 2

Unsupervised learning

Python: Unsupervised Learning: Basics Python: Unsupervised Learning: Non-Hierarchical Clustering Python: Unsupervised Learning: Principal Component Analysis

Time series analysis

Python: Time Series Analysis Python: Time series analysis: Stationarity, ARMA / ARIMA model Python: Time Series Analysis: Preprocessing Time Series Data Python: Time Series Analysis: Building a SARIMA Model

Machine learning pre-processing

Python: Preprocessing in Machine Learning: Overview Python: Preprocessing in machine learning: Data acquisition Python: Preprocessing in machine learning: Handling of missing / outlier / imbalanced data Python: Preprocessing in Machine Learning: Data Transformation

Deep learning

Python: Deep Learning Practice Python: Tuning Deep Learning

Ship survival prediction

Python: Ship Survival Prediction Part 1 Python: Ship Survival Prediction Part 2 Python: Ship Survival Prediction Part 3

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