Face detection summary in Python

Face detection summary

Summary of face detection using a library (OpenCV / dlib) in Python By the way

--Face detection: Estimating the part where the face appears from the image or video. --Face recognition: Estimating who the face appears in an image or video

It seems that OpenCV is Haar-Like + Adaboost and dlib is HoG + SVM for face detection.

Summary of findings on face detection with OpenCV, Dlib and OpenFace

You can get an overview by reading the following.

Object detection by local features and statistical learning method

Recent methods using deep learning are as follows

Introduction of Faster R-CNN

Paper introduction: Fast R-CNN & Faster R-CNN


Face detection with Python + OpenCV

Comparison of face detector performance with Python + OpenCV

Face detection with Python + OpenCV (rotation immutable)

Find the position in the original image from the coordinates after affine transformation (Python + OpenCV)


Face detection with Python + dlib

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