Competitive programming, coding test template: Python3


――I will post a template that can be used for coding tests and competitive programming. --Requirements - Python3 --When debugging before submission, you can test (you can test multiple patterns) --When debugging before submission, be able to log --When creating the code for submission, there should be as little manual work as possible.


--In the template, addition is implemented and 2 patterns are tested. --Explanation in code comment --When submitting, manually switch to inputters = [UtilityForRelease ()] (see code)

Template for coding test

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

#You don't have to, but I think it's easy to convey your intentions.
class IUtility(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """Utility interface class
    def input(self):
    def check(self, test_outputs):
    def debug(self, message):

class UtilityForRelease(IUtility):
    """Production utility
    def input(self):
Returns one line from standard input
                string:Standard input
        return input()
    def check(self, test_outputs):
do nothing
    def debug(self, messsage):
do nothing

class UtilityForDebug(IUtility):
    """Debugging utility
    def __init__(self, test_inputs, test_answers):
                test_inputs (array of string):Array of input strings(Note that it is a string! !!)
                test_answers (array of string):Array of correct strings(Note that it is a string! !!)
        self.test_inputs = test_inputs
        self.test_answers = test_answers
        self.counter = 0

    def input(self):
Returns one line of the string given in the constructor
                string:Input string
        test_input = self.test_inputs[self.counter]
        self.debug("input{0}: {1}".format(self.counter, test_input))
        self.counter += + 1
        return test_input

    def check(self, test_outputs):
Collate with the answer given in the constructor
                test_outputs (array of string):Array of output strings(Note that it is a string! !!)
        self.debug("test: expected {0}, output {1}".format(self.test_answers, test_outputs))

        if self.test_answers == test_outputs:
            self.debug("test: result: TRUE");
            self.debug("test: result: ******FALSE******");
    def debug(self, message):
Output log
        print("DEBUG::" + message)

def main():
    """Entry point

    #Please switch between the bottom when submitting and when debugging! !!
    #When debugging, please generate UtilityForDebug with input and correct answer as arguments
    inputters = [UtilityForDebug(["1", "2"], ["3"]), UtilityForDebug(["3", "4"], ["7"])]
    # inputters = [UtilityForRelease()]

    for inputter in inputters:
        #Get the input below, implement the logic, and describe up to the output
        left = int(inputter.input())
        right = int(inputter.input())
        answer = left + right
        inputter.debug("answer: {0}".format(answer))

if __name__ == "__main__":

--Results during debugging

DEBUG::input0: 1
DEBUG::input1: 2
DEBUG::answer: 3
DEBUG::test: expected ['3'], output ['3']
DEBUG::test: result: TRUE
DEBUG::input0: 3
DEBUG::input1: 4
DEBUG::answer: 7
DEBUG::test: expected ['7'], output ['7']
DEBUG::test: result: TRUE

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