Implementation of like function (Ajax)

I will put it together for myself.


** Controller model created **


  Rails.application.routes.draw do
    resources :posts do
      resources :comments, only: [:create, :destroy]
      resource :likes, only: [:create, :destroy]

likes becomes ** resource ** because it is not necessary to give an ID


  def liked_by?(user)

You can check if you like it


class LikesController < ApplicationController

  def create
    @post = Post.find_by(id: params[:post_id])
    #Conditions to prevent continuous clicks
    unless @post.liked_by?(current_user)
      @like =

  def destroy
    @post = Post.find_by(id: params[:post_id])
    @like = current_user.likes.find_by(post_id:


Since redirects are not required for create and destroy respectively, delete them if they are listed.


#Give an id because it is necessary to make it Ajax
div id='like_#{ }'
   #Partial like icon
   = render 'like', post: @post


#Like Delete
- if post.liked_by?(current_user)
  = link_to post_likes_path(post), method: :delete, remote: true do
    i.fas.fa-heart style='color: red;'
    = post.likes.count

#How nice
- else
  = link_to post_likes_path(post), method: :post, remote: true do
    = post.likes.count

Call a JavaScript file by adding ** remote: true **


$("#like_<%= %>").html("<%= j(render 'posts/like', post: @post ) %>");


$("#like_<%= %>").html("<%= j(render 'posts/like', post: @post ) %>");

**Complete! ** **

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