Addition of guest login function


This is a memorandum when the ** guest login function ** was added so that you can log in with the touch of a button to make it easier to see the contents when creating the original application. ** devise ** is used for new registration and login functions.

guest user implementation


  def self.guest
    find_or_create_by!(username: 'The guests', email: '[email protected]') do |user|
      user.password = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64

First, set the routing.


  devise_scope :user do
    post 'users/guest_sign_in', to: 'users/sessions#new_guest'

new_guest, add the action to ʻusers / sessions_controller.rb. ʻAdd the users directory to controllers.


class Users::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
  def new_guest
    user = User.guest
    sign_in user
    redirect_to root_path, notice: 'You have logged in as a guest user.'

Finally, add a view such as a button to complete the implementation.


<p class="control">
  <%= link_to 'Guest login', users_guest_sign_in_path, class: "button is-warning is-fullwidth", method: :post %>


Addition of a very important function to let you see the portfolio (original app). It was relatively easy to implement. Thank you for reading to the end: grin:

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