Rails Addition of easy and easy login function

The result you want

When you press the "Easy Login" button, Installation of a button to log in as a registered guest user.


A web app based on the Rails tutorial.

things to do

  1. Create an easy_login action separately from the create action of sessions_controller for registered guest users. Pass the email.

  2. Describe the routing of easy_login in routs.rb.

  3. Install the Easy Login button in view.

  4. Created and registered in sessions_controller.rb (seeds.rb) Add an easy_login action so that you can log in as a guest user.


    def easy_login
      user = User.find_by(email: "[email protected]")
          log_in user #session_Predefined with helper.
          redirect_back_or user #session_Predefined with helper.
  1. Add the following in config / routes.rb


  post   '/easy_login',   to: 'sessions#easy_login'
  1. Add the following to any place in ʻapp / views / sessions / new.html.erb`


<p><%= link_to "Easy login", easy_login_path, method: :post, class: 'btn btn-primary' %></p>


For the time being, I was able to log in as a guest user from the easy login button.

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