Implementation of search function


When creating a personal application, implement a search function so that the content of posted articles can be displayed by searching.

Routing settings

This time, we will not transition to the page by specifying: id, so we will use collection to set the routing.


resources :posts do
  get :search, on: :collection
  resource :likes, only: [:create, :destroy] -Like function implementation

Model settings

** LIKE clause ** The LIKE clause allows you to search for strings. Used with the where method.

Execution example Details
where('title LIKE(?)', "a%") Titles starting with a
where('title LIKE(?)', "%b") Titles ending in b
where('title LIKE(?)', "%c%") Titles containing c
where('title LIKE(?)', "d_") Two-letter title starting with d
where('title LIKE(?)', "_e") Two-letter title ending in e


  return Post.all unless search
  Post.where('body LIKE(?)', "%#{search}%")

Define search action in controller


def search
  @posts =[:keyword])

view implementation

It is assumed that you are doing a partial template using the ** render method **. ** post ** to the right of {post: post} is ** post ** as a variable in each method, indicating an instance of ** post **. The ** post ** on the left represents the name of the variable in the partial template.


<% @posts.each do |post| %>
   <%= render partial: "post", locals: { post: post } %>
<% end %>

in conclusion

The implementation of the search function was completed relatively easily. I will implement other functions and increase what I can do. Thank you for watching to the end: grin:

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