Rails search function implementation

Implemented search function in Rails

Set up a search window with form_tag in View

<div class="search_field">
    <%= form_tag(posts_path, :method => 'get') do %>
      <%= text_field_tag :search, "",  {class: "search_field_type"}%>
      <%= submit_tag 'Search', :name => nil, class: "search_field_btn" %>
    <% end %>

Please change the path part of form_tag (posts_path,: method =>'get') according to the class name.

Set the method search for search in Model


def self.search(search)
    if search
      Post.where(["title LIKE ?", "%#{search}%"])

Set to hit if the searched character string is applicable even in a part of the title column.

For more information, you can find out what it means by looking at the where clause of SQL.


Controller adjustment


def index
    @posts = Post.all.includes(:user).order(id: "DESC").search(params[:search])

This will put the articles that hit the search in @posts.

All you have to do is display the list on the View side.

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