[Rails] Implementation of drag and drop function (with effect)



Development environment

・ Ruby: 2.5.7 Rails: 5.2.4 ・ Vagrant: 2.2.7 -VirtualBox: 6.1 ・ OS: macOS Catalina


The following has been implemented.

Slim introductionIntroduction of Bootstrap3Implementation of posting function


1. Introduce Gem


gem 'jquery-ui-rails'
gem 'ranked-model'

jquery-ui-rails ➡︎ Make jQuery UI available.

gem 'ranked-model' ➡︎ Make it possible to manage the order of books.

3. Add column


$ rails g migration AddRowOrderToBooks row_order:integer


$ bundle


create_table "books", force: :cascade do |t|
  t.integer "user_id"
  t.string "title"
  t.text "body"
  t.datetime "created_at", null: false
  t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
  t.integer "row_order"

4. Edit the model

Allow ranked-model to be used in Book models.


include RankedModel
ranks :row_order

5. Edit controller

** ① Edit ʻindex action` **


#Change before
@books = Book.all

#After change
@books = Book.rank(:row_order)

** ② Add row_order_position to the strong parameter. ** **

The column name is row_order, but here it is described as row_order_position for the purpose of using Gem.


def book_params
  params.require(:book).permit(:title, :body, :row_order_position)

** ③ Add sort action **


def sort
  book = Book.find(params[:book_id])
  render body: nil

render body: nil ➡︎ Perform only actions, do not call views.

6. Edit the routing


#Change before
resources :books

#After change
resources :books do
  put :sort

7. Edit view


/ 「table-Grant a class called "sortable"

    - @books.each do |book|
      /Assign a class to the tr tag and set the data
      tr.item(data = { model_name: book.class.name.underscore, update_url: book_sort_path(book) })
          = link_to book.user  do
            = book.user.name
          = link_to book.title, book_path(book)
          = book.body
          -if book.user == current_user
            = link_to 'Delete', book, method: :delete, data: { confirm: '本当にDeleteしてもよろしいですか?' }, class: 'btn-sm btn-danger'

model_name: book.class.name.underscore ➡︎ "book" corresponds to each block variable.

8. Edit ʻapplication.js`


//= require rails-ujs
//= require activestorage
//= require turbolinks
//= require jquery
//= require jquery-ui/widgets/sortable //Postscript
//= require jquery-ui/effects/effect-highlight //Postscript
//= require bootstrap-sprockets
//= require_tree .

//= require jquery-ui/widgets/sortable ➡︎ Enable jQuery UI

//= require jquery-ui/effects/effect-highlight ➡︎ Enable drag and drop effects

9. Create / edit JavaScript file


$ touch app/assets/javascripts/table_sort.js


  axis: 'y',
  items: '.item',

  //Send order data to controller with Ajax
  update(e, ui) {
    let item = ui.item;
    let item_data = item.data();
    let params = { _method: 'put' };
    params[item_data.model_name] = { row_order_position: item.index() };
      type: 'POST',
      url: item_data.update_url,
      dataType: 'json',
      data: params,

  //Adjust drag width to table
  start(e, ui) {
    let cells, tableWidth, widthForEachCell;
    tableWidth = $(this).width();
    cells = ui.item.children('td');
    widthForEachCell = tableWidth / cells.length + 'px';
    return cells.css('width', widthForEachCell);

  //Add effect
  stop(e, ui) {
    return ui.item.children('td').effect('highlight');

10. Change the cursor design


.table-sortable {
  tr.item {
    cursor: row-resize;

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