[Rails] Implementation of new registration function in wizard format using devise


When I made a copy site of flea market, I had a hard time because I made the structure a little difficult, so I decided to keep it as a record. If you have any suggestions, such as making it more beautiful, please.

Implementation method

Development environment


--devise is already installed --The login function in the default state of devise has been implemented. --Transition from page 1 → page 2 → top page (login) --There are three tables, ʻusers profiles`` sending_destinations. --The first page deals with both ʻUser model and Profile model in one form.

DB design

users table

Column Type Options
name string null: false, unique: true, index:true
email string null: false, unique: true, index:true
password string null: false

profiles table

Column Type Options
first_name string null: false
family_name string null: false
first_name_kana string null: false
family_name_kana string null: false
introduction string null: true
year integer null: false
month integer null: false
day integer null: false

sending_destinations (address) table

Column Type Options
first_name string null :false
family_name string null: false
first_name_kana string null: false
family_name_kana string null: false
post_code string null: false
prefecture string null: false
city string null:false
house_number string null: false
building_name string -
phone_number string unique: true, null: true
user_id references null: false, foreign_key: true


Creating a controller

--Create a ʻusers` controller under devise management


$ rails g devise:controllers users

--Set the routing to refer to which controller


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  devise_for :users, controllers: { registrations: 'users/registrations' }
  root to: 'items#index'

Describe the association in the model

--Describe associations in each model of ʻUser, Profile, Sending_destination`


class User < ApplicationRecord
  devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
         :recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable
  has_one :profile
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :profile
  has_one :sending_destination


class Profile < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user, optional: true


class SendingDestination < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user, optional: true

ʻOptional: true` is an option that allows the foreign key to be null.

Edit the new action and the corresponding view (page 1)

--Write a new action in users / registrations_controller.rb


class Users::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
  def new
    @user = User.new

--Edit registrations / new.html.haml corresponding to new action


= form_for(@user, url: user_registration_path) do |f|
  = render "devise/shared/error_messages", resource: @user
  = f.text_field :nickname
  = f.email_field :email
  = f.password_field :password
  = f.password_field :password_confirmation
  = f.fields_for :profile do |p|
    = p.text_field :family_name
    = p.text_field :first_name
    = p.text_field :family_name_kana
    = p.text_field :first_name_kana
    = p.select :year
    = p.select :month
    = p.select :day
  = f.submit "next"

Actually, there are descriptions of div, label, and class, but they are written simply. We are using fields_for to handle the two models. I refer to the following articles. [Rails] How to send values to two models at the same time with devise form (example: User model and Profile model) [Rails] How to register data to multiple models with one form_for

edit create action

--Validation check of the information entered on the first page --Have the information entered on page 1 in session --Create an instance to be used for the next address information registration and transition to the relevant page The above three points will be done by the create action.


class Users::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
  def create
    @user = User.new(sign_up_params)
    unless @user.valid?
      flash.now[:alert] = @user.errors.full_messages
      render :new and return
    session["devise.regist_data"] = {user: @user.attributes}
    session["devise.regist_data"][:user]["password"] = params[:user][:password]
    session[:profile_attributes] = sign_up_params[:profile_attributes]
    @sending_destination = @user.build_sending_destination
    render :new_sending_destination

Check if the parameter violates validation with the valid? method. The function session that keeps the information on the client side is used so that the information does not disappear even if the page changes. The data is formatted using the attributes method so that the session holds the information in the form of a hash object. Also, although the password information is included in the params, the password information is not included when the data is formatted by the attributes method. So you need to assign the password to session again. Create an instance of the sending_destination model associated with the instance @ user created this time with build_sending_destination. Then render to the view of the new_sending_destination action that displays the page to register the address information.

Edit the new_sending_destination action and the corresponding view (page 2)

--Routing settings for the new_sending_destination action that displays the address registration page --Routing settings for the create_sending_destination action to register an address


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  devise_for :users, controllers: { registrations: 'users/registrations' }
  devise_scope :user do
    get 'sending_destinations', to: 'users/registrations#new_sending_destination'
    post 'sending_destinations', to: 'users/registrations#create_sending_destination'

  root to: 'items#index'

--Create the corresponding view file new_sending_destination.html.haml


= form_for @sending_destination do |f|
  = render "devise/shared/error_messages", resource: @sending_destination
  = f.text_field :family_name
  = f.text_field :first_name
  = f.text_field :family_name_kana
  = f.text_field :first_name_kana
  = f.text_field :post_code
  = f.text_field :prefecture
  = f.text_field :city
  = f.text_field :house_number
  = f.text_field :building_name
  = f.number_field :phone_number
  = f.submit "sign up"  

edit the create_sending_destination action

--Validation check of the address information entered on the second page --Save as user information together with the information that validation check is completed and the information that was held in session. --Delete session --Log in


class Users::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
  def create_sending_destination
    @user = User.new(session["devise.regist_data"]["user"])
    @profile = @user.build_profile(session[:profile_attributes])
    @sending_destination = SendingDestination.new(sending_destination_params)
    unless @sending_destination.valid?
      flash.now[:alert] = @sending_destination.errors.full_messages
      render :new_sending_destination and return
    sign_in(:user, @user)

    redirect_to root_path


  def sending_destination_params
      :prefecture, :city, 

The information held in session is assigned to each instance of @ user and @ prfile. Check the address information on the second page with valid?. Substitute the params sent using build_sending_destination into @ user that contains the held session. Then save it to the table using the save method. Delete session using the clear method. Log in with sign_in (: user, @user) and move to the top page with redirect_to root_path.

in conclusion

It can be implemented by the above method. By using fields_for on the first page, I had a lot of trouble assigning to session, but thanks to that, I was able to think about the mechanism etc. firmly. I haven't explained it in detail, but I tried to write an article that also serves as an output, so I hope it will be helpful as much as possible.

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