[Rails] Implementation of image slide show using Bootstrap 3



Development environment

・ Ruby: 2.5.7 Rails: 5.2.4 ・ Vagrant: 2.2.7 -VirtualBox: 6.1 ・ OS: macOS Catalina


The following has been implemented.

Slim introductionIntroduction of Bootstrap3Implementation of posting functionImplementation of multiple image upload function


1. Edit the view


  #sampleCarousel.carousel.slide data-ride='carousel'
      li.active data-target='#sampleCarousel' data-slide-to='0'
      li data-target='#sampleCarousel' data-slide-to='1'
      li data-target='#sampleCarousel' data-slide-to='2'
    .carousel-inner role='listbox'
      - @book.images.each.with_index(1) do |image, index|
        - if index == 1
            = image_tag image.to_s, class: 'img-responsive img-rounded carousel-image'
        - else
            = image_tag image.to_s, class: 'img-responsive img-rounded carousel-image'
    a.left.carousel-control href='#sampleCarousel' role='button' data-slide='prev'
      span.glyphicon.glyphicon-chevron-left aria-hidden='true'
    a.right.carousel-control href='#sampleCarousel' role='button' data-slide='next'
      span.glyphicon.glyphicon-chevron-right aria-hidden='true'


(1) Repeat the process of the image list registered in the book and assign an index.

- @book.images.each.with_index(1) do |image, index|

(2) Set the image to be displayed on the first sheet.

This time, I'm setting an image with index 1.

- if index == 1
    = image_tag image.to_s, class: 'carousel-image'

③ Set the second and subsequent images.

- else
    = image_tag image.to_s, class: 'carousel-image'

2. Edit ʻapplication.scss`


.carousel-image {
  width: 30%; //Set the width of the image for the slide
  margin: 0 auto; //Center image

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