[Rails] Implementation of many-to-many category functions


ezgif.com-video-to-gif (1).gif

Development environment

・ Ruby: 2.5.7 Rails: 5.2.4 ・ Vagrant: 2.2.7 -VirtualBox: 6.1 ・ OS: macOS Catalina


The following has been implemented.

Slim introductionIntroduction of Bootstrap3Implementation of posting functionCategory function implementation


1. Create an intermediate table


$ rails g model BookCategory book_id:integer category_id:integer


$ rails db:migrate


create_table "book_categories", force: :cascade do |t|
  t.integer "book_id"
  t.integer "category_id"
  t.datetime "created_at", null: false
  t.datetime "updated_at", null: false

2. Delete column


$ rails g migration RemoveCategoryIdFromBooks category_id:integer


class RemoveCategoryIdFromBooks < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def change
    remove_column :books, :category_id, :integer


$ rails db:migrate

3. Edit each model


has_many :book_categories
has_many :categories, through: :book_categories


has_many :book_categories
has_many :books, through: :book_categories


belongs_to :book
belongs_to :category

4. Edit the controller

Make category_id arrayable with the strong parameter of books_controller.rb.


def book_params
  params.require(:book).permit(:title, :body, { category_ids: [] })

5. Edit the view

** ① Edit the form **


/Change before
= f.label :category_id, 'Category'
= f.collection_select :category_id, Category.all, :id, :name, { prompt: 'Please select' }, class: 'form-control'

/After change
= label_tag 'Category'
= collection_check_boxes(:book, :category_ids, Category.all, :id, :name) do |cb|
  = cb.label { cb.check_box + ' ' + cb.text }

= collection_check_boxes(:book, :category_ids, Category.all, :id, :name) do |cb| ➡︎ The names of all categories are displayed as checkboxes and the value is set to id.

** ② Edit the table **


/Change before
  = category.name

/After change
  - book.categories.each do |category|
    = category.name
    | /

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