Implemented star rating function using raty on rails6.
First, put Jquery
Please introduce jquery referring to this. Become rails6 It is easy to forget the description of $ yarn add jquery, so be careful.
Save star image from github Save this in app / assets / images.
Also copy javascript code from github Since there is no folder called app / assets / javascripts in rails6, Create a folder called javascripts in app / assets. Create an aplication.js file under it, and paste all the code copied from github there.
in app / assets / config / manifest.js
//= link_directory ../javascripts .js
in app / layouts / application.html.erb
<%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
This is the environment setting. Please note that the method is very different except for rails6. (I'm not sure if this method is correct even in 6, but I was able to read it with this.)
Implementation of the following functions.
Added rate column
rails g migration AddRateToEvaluations rate:float ↓ rails db:migrate
In the form of the view you want to add a star rating function
<div class="form-group row" id="star">
<% = f.label: rate,'Comprehensive evaluation', class:'col-md-3 col-form- label' %> <%= f.hidden_field :rate, id: :review_star %>
<!-Evaluation javascript->
Describe. The point is to define review_star for id in hidden_field. Load the star image saved in the Js part.
Don't forget to permit the rate parameter in your controller. You should now be ready to type with a star.
For the time being, I will also include the code that displays the entered data. In my case, there is a comment column in the evaluations table, and the post model and user model are associated with each other, so please use it as a reference only.
<% @evaluations.each do |evaluation| %>
<td><%= evaluation.comment %></td>
<a href="/users/<%= %>">
<%= evaluation.user.nickname %>
<!-Star rating->
<% end %>
<!-/ Star rating->
that's all.
This is the image. There is no article on rails6, and I made it by force with reference to articles other than 6, so I think the correct answer is different.
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