Implement star evaluation function in Rails 6 (Webpacker is installed as standard)


Since the handling of JavaScript has changed from Ruby on Rails 6.0 released in August 2019, I would like to introduce "jQuery Raty --A Star Rating Plugin" based on the changes (stumbling points).


--Language (Ruby 2.6.5) --Framework (Rails



Introduction of jQuery

First, install jQuery with Yarn.

yarn add jquery

When managing with Webpacker, use the Node.js package.

Next, in the webpacker configuration file, describe how to add jQuery under management.


const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
const webpack = require('webpack')

  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    $: 'jquery/src/jquery',
    jQuery: 'jquery/src/jquery',
    jquery: 'jquery/src/jquery',
#So far
module.exports = environment

Finally, call jQuery.


require('jquery') #Postscript

Introducing jQuery Raty

Save the image and code locally from the site below. --app / assets / images directory - Image: --Create a new js file with any name under app / javascript (this time "raty.js") - Code:

Invitation of jQuery Raty

As before, add the newly created js file.


require('raty') #Postscript

At this point, the function settings are complete.

Description in View file

After that, write as follows to any View file you want to implement.

    <div class="note note-rating", id="star">
      <h3>Comprehensive evaluation</h3>
        size      : 36,
        starOff   : '<%= asset_path('star-off.png') %>',
        starOn    : '<%= asset_path('star-on.png') %>',
        starHalf  : '<%= asset_path('star-half.png') %>',
        scoreName : 'note[rating]',
        half      : true,

The following two articles are detailed for the description of options and display.


It was almost the first time to introduce jQuery in Rails, so even if I found the function I wanted to implement, I could not introduce it. Since Rails6 or later, Webpacker (a tool for managing JavaScript collectively) is installed as standard, so in order to implement it as you want, you have to learn how to implement it and each file that Rails is composed of. I felt it was necessary.

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