[GO] [Java] Implementation of Faistel Network


DES, one of the common key cryptosystems, uses a structure called a fistula network. Briefly, it is an encryption method that uses a function called a round function and exclusive OR. In DES, there are rules such as 64 bits for plaintext of input and 56 bits for key bit length, but this time I just wanted to implement a fistula network, so such restrictions are excluded.

[Reference] Explanation of Feistel structure in Wikipedia


The code posted here is posted on GitHub linked below. feistelNetwork


package main;

import common.AbstractEncryption;
import encryption.Decryption;
import encryption.Encryption;

public class Main {
	//Number of rounds
	public static int ROUND_EXEC_TIME = 3;

	//Private key used in round function
	//Since the round function performs bit shift operation, it cannot be encrypted unless a number smaller than 8 is specified.
	//This key must be kept secret to prevent it from being cracked by an attacker
	private static int[] SECRET_KEY = {2, 3, 6};

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//Confidential data
		String secretData = "testcase";

		AbstractEncryption encryption = new Encryption();
		AbstractEncryption decryption = new Decryption();

		String encryptionData = encryption.execEncryption(secretData, SECRET_KEY);
		String deryptionData = decryption.execEncryption(encryptionData, SECRET_KEY);

		System.out.println("Encrypted data:" + encryptionData);
		System.out.println("Decrypted data:" + deryptionData);



package common;

import main.Main;

 *A class responsible for both encryption and decryption
 * @author nobu
public abstract class AbstractEncryption {
	 *Perform encryption and decryption
	 * @param secretData secret data
	 * @param key private key
	public String execEncryption(String secretData, int key[]) {
		String left = secretData.substring(0, secretData.length() / 2);
		String right = secretData.substring(secretData.length() / 2, secretData.length());

		//Character string data on the left side, variable for storing encrypted data
		byte leftArray[][];
		//The characters on the left consider the case where the number of characters in the secret data is even or odd.
		if (secretData.length() % 2 == 0) {
			leftArray = new byte[Main.ROUND_EXEC_TIME + 1][left.length()];
		} else {
			leftArray = new byte[Main.ROUND_EXEC_TIME + 1][left.length() + 1];
		//Variables for storing character string data and encrypted data on the right side
		byte rightArray[][] = new byte[Main.ROUND_EXEC_TIME + 1][right.length()];

		//Initialization of input value
		for (int i = 0; i < left.length(); i++) {
			leftArray[0][i] = (byte) left.charAt(i);
		for (int i = 0; i < right.length(); i++) {
			rightArray[0][i] = (byte) right.charAt(i);

		for (int i = 0; i < Main.ROUND_EXEC_TIME; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < right.length(); j++) {
				rightArray[i + 1][j] = encryption(leftArray[i][j], rightArray[i][j], key, i);
				leftArray[i + 1][j] = rightArray[i][j];
			//In the final round, the left and right are not exchanged, so the already exchanged data is restored.
			if (i == Main.ROUND_EXEC_TIME - 1) {
				byte tmp[];
				tmp = leftArray[i + 1];
				leftArray[i + 1] = rightArray[i + 1];
				rightArray[i + 1] = tmp;

		String returnData = "";
		for (int i = 0; i < right.length(); i++) {
			returnData = returnData + String.valueOf((char) leftArray[Main.ROUND_EXEC_TIME][i]);
		for (int i = 0; i < right.length(); i++) {
			returnData = returnData + String.valueOf((char) rightArray[Main.ROUND_EXEC_TIME][i]);
		return returnData;

	 * @param left Data on the left
	 * @param right data on the right
	 * @param key private key
	 * @param roundNumber
	 * @return encryption result
	abstract protected byte encryption(byte left, byte right, int[] key, int roundNumber);

	 *Round function, shifts right by the value specified by the private key
	 * @param right right data
	 * @param key private key
	 * @return Round function result
	protected byte roundFunction(byte right, int key) {
		return (byte) (right << key);



package encryption;

import common.AbstractEncryption;

 *Encryption class
 * @author nobu
public class Encryption extends AbstractEncryption {
	protected byte encryption(byte left, byte right, int[] key, int roundNumber) {
		return (byte) (left ^ roundFunction(right, key[roundNumber]));


package encryption;

import common.AbstractEncryption;
import main.Main;

 *Decryption class
 * @author nobu
public class Decryption extends AbstractEncryption {
	protected byte encryption(byte left, byte right, int[] key, int roundNumber) {
		return (byte) (left ^ roundFunction(right, key[Main.ROUND_EXEC_TIME - roundNumber - 1]));

【Execution result】

This is the result of encrypting the character string "testcase" and decrypting the encrypted data.

Encrypted data: 8 ᄀ ᆪ i hee
Decrypted data: testcase

[Reference book]

Introduction to Cryptography 3rd Edition

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