NIO.2 review of java

Following on from java IO and NIO, review NIO.2. !!

IO : NIO :

What is NIO.2?

Simply put, it is an improvement over the existing NIO.

  1. Enhanced FileIO
  2. Enhanced IO based on asynchronous Channle

FileIO enhancement

Core API

API name Overview
Path Represents a platform-independent route
Paths Path utility class
(For Path instance acquisition(get)Was only a method)
Files File utility class

Chat: Paths and Files follow java's consistent naming conventions.

Path, Paths

Path sample(I wanted to get it with markdown)

private static void showPath(Path path) {
    System.out.println("|Acquisition contents|result|");
    System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "Element count", path.getNameCount());
    System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "Specified element name", path.getName(0));
    System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "file name", path.getFileName());
    System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "File system name", path.getFileSystem());
    System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "parent", path.getParent());
    System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "root", path.getRoot());
    System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "Is it an absolute pass?", path.isAbsolute());


private static void path_test() {
    //Relative path
    Path relativePath = Paths.get(".", "NIO2", "sub", "nio2-file.txt");
    System.out.println("----Relative path----");
    //Absolute path
    System.out.println("----Absolute path----");
Acquisition contents result
Element count 4
Specified element name .
file name nio2-file.txt
File system name sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem@6e0be858
parent .\NIO2\sub
root null
Is it an absolute pass? false
Acquisition contents result
Element count 8
Specified element name workspace
file name nio2-file.txt
File system name sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem@6e0be858
parent C:\workspace\git\java-projects\java-sample.\NIO2\sub
root C:\
Is it an absolute pass? true
  1. The result to be obtained differs depending on the absolute path and relative path.
  2. sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem, which makes __ "platform independent" __?
  3. Get a Path instance from Paths # get (__File to Path, Path to File is also possible __)


Files sample


1st line, AIC
Second line, UTF-8?
3rd line

Files sample(I wanted to get it with markdown)

private static void testFiles(Path path) {
    System.out.println("|Acquisition contents|result|");
    try {
        System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "Is it a directory?", Files.isDirectory(path));
        System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "Hidden", Files.isHidden(path));
        System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "Is it a directory?", Files.isWritable(path));
        System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "The size is", Files.size(path));
        System.out.printf("|%s | " , "Get file contents");
        Files.lines(path).forEach(line -> {
            System.out.printf("%s<br>" , line);
        System.out.printf("|%s | " , "Get directory elements");
        Files.list(path.getParent()).forEach(p -> {
            System.out.printf("%s<br>" , p);
        System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "Storage capacity", Files.getFileStore(path).getTotalSpace() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 + "GB");
        System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "Available capacity", Files.getFileStore(path).getUsableSpace() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 + "GB");
        System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "Unallocated capacity", Files.getFileStore(path).getUnallocatedSpace() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 + "GB");
        System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "Does it exist", Files.exists(path));
        System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "delete", "Deleted");
        System.out.printf("|%s | %s |\r\n", "Does it exist", Files.exists(path));
    } catch (IOException e) {
Acquisition contents result
Is it a directory? false
Hidden false
Is it a directory? true
The size is 64
Get file contents 1st line, AIC
Second line, UTF-8?
3rd line
Get directory elements .\NIO2\nio2-desc.txt
Storage capacity 111GB
Available capacity 54GB
Unallocated capacity 54GB
Does it exist true
delete Deleted
Does it exist false

File#WalkTree With existing IO, I had to implement recursive scanning myself, and the code was complicated and not easy to use.

In 1.7, Files # walkFileTree allows recursive scanning.

callback Overview
preVisitDirectory Occurs before directory access
visitFile Occurs before directory access
visitFileFailed Occurs before directory access
postVisitDirectory Occurs after directory access
FileVisitResult Overview
CONTINUE continue
SKIP_SIBLINGS After continuing, the corresponding file,Do not scan directory siblings
SKIP_SUBTREE After continuing, the corresponding file,Do not scan the child hierarchy of directory
TERMINATE walk(scanning)To quit

There were samples of walkFileTree here and there, so I'll omit them!

Files#walk In 1.8, Files # walk is convenient!


Files.walk(Paths.get(".", "NIO2"), FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS)
    //Swap directory and file
    //Confirmation of deletion target
    .forEach(path -> {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {


WatchService It is a mechanism to monitor File changes. In the traditional way, possible implementations

  1. Launch another thread
  2. Save the state
  3. Scan at regular intervals and compare with the previous state

You can easily create files with WatchService.

WatchService sample

try {
    WatchService watchService = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
        StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE, //CREATE monitor
        StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE, //DELETE monitoring
        StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY  //MODIFY monitoring
    System.out.println("-----watch start-----");
    while (true) {
        //Keep waiting
        WatchKey key = watchService.take();
                watchEvent -> {
                    System.out.println("Type of occurrence: " + watchEvent.kind().name());
                    System.out.println("Target name: " + watchEvent.context());
        //Next monitoring
        if (!key.reset()) {
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
  1. Generate WatchService
  2. Register WatchService and monitor contents
  3. Get WatchKey
  1. Processing
  2. WatchKey reset

Attribute read / write

Roughly, it is an implementation of FileAttributeView, and it seems that you can operate detailed attributes.

BasicFileAttributeView sample

Path path = Paths.get(".", "NIO2", "nio2-src.txt");

BasicFileAttributeView view = Files.getFileAttributeView(path, BasicFileAttributeView.class);
BasicFileAttributes attributes = view.readAttributes();

System.out.println("Last access: " + attributes.lastAccessTime());
System.out.println("Latest correction time: " + attributes.lastModifiedTime());

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