Summary of Java Math class

Java Math class

As a reminder, the Math class often appears when reading code in programming. .. .. ** It is written as an excerpt. It is not exhaustive. ** **

Field (variable)

E The double value closest to the base of the natural logarithm (Napier, Euler) ʻeis2.718281828459045`.

PI The double value closest to pi π is 3.141592653589793.

Method (function)


argument Return value
double double
float float
int int
long long

A method to find the absolute value. Math.abs (-5) is 5.


1st argument Second argument Return value
double double double
float float float
int int int
long long long

Returns the larger of the two numbers set in the argument. Math.max (2, 7) is 7.


1st argument Second argument Return value
double double double
float float float
int int int
long long long

The opposite of max, it returns the smaller of the two numbers set in the argument. Math.max (10, 4) is 4.


1st argument Second argument Return value
double double double

Find the power. Math.pow (a, b) returns ʻa ^ b. That is, Math.pow (3.0, 4.0)is81.0`.


argument Return value
double double

Find the rounded positive square root. In short, it's a root guy. If the argument is ʻa, the number xsuch thatx ^ 2 = ais obtained. Math.sqrt (9.0)is3.0. It's 3 ^ 2 = 9`!


argument Return value
double double

It seeks a cube root. If the argument is ʻa, the number xsuch thatx ^ 3 = ais obtained. Math.cbrt (8.0)is2.0. It's 2 ^ 3 = 8`!


argument Return value
double double

Round up the argument. Strictly speaking, it returns "the number greater than or equal to the argument and equal to the calculated integer, closest to negative infinity". Math.ceil (1.34) is 2.0. Math.ceil (-3.89) is -3.0.


argument Return value
double double

Truncate the argument. Strictly speaking, it returns "the number less than or equal to the argument and equal to the calculated integer, closest to positive infinity". Math.floor (1.34) is 1.0. Math.floor (-3.89) is -4.0.


argument Return value
double long
float int

Returns the number rounded off. In fact, it does some bitwise operations internally, but it's ** rounded **! Math.round (1.34) is 1. Math.round (-3.89) is -4.


argument Return value
double double

Returns the number rounded off. The only difference from round is the argument and return types.


argument Return value
double double

Converts arguments expressed in degrees (units: °, degrees) to arcs (units: radians).

Radian=Every time* π / 180


argument Return value
double double

The opposite of toRadians, it converts the arguments represented by the arc degree method to the frequency method.

Every time=Radian* 180 / π


argument Return value
double double

Returns the sine (sine) of the specified angle. The argument must be expressed in radians. That is, sin30 ° is represented byMath.sin (Math.toRadians (30.0)). However, at least in my environment, when I run Math.sin (Math.toRadians (30.0)), I get 0.49999999999999994, so I think that proper rounding is necessary.


argument Return value
double double

Returns the cosine of the specified angle. The argument must be expressed in radians. That is, cos60 ° is represented byMath.cos (Math.toRadians (60.0)). This also returned 0.5000000000000001. Let's roll it up.


argument Return value
double double

Returns the tangent of the specified angle. The argument must be expressed in radians. That is, tan 45 ° is represented byMath.tan (Math.toRadians (45.0)). This also returned 0.99999999999999999.


argument Return value
double double

Returns the inverse sine (arc sine) of the specified value. The range of angles returned is -π / 2 ≤ x ≤ π / 2. For example, if the argument is ʻa, the size of the angle expressed by the radian method xis obtained so thatsinx = a. Math.asin (0.5)is0.5235987755982989 (≒ π / 6`).


argument Return value
double double

Returns the inverse cosine (arc cosine) of the specified value. The range of angles returned is 0.0 ≤ x ≤ π. For example, if the argument is ʻa, the size of the angle expressed by the radian methodxis obtained so thatcosx = a. Math.acos (0.5)is1.0471975511965979 (≒ π / 3`).


argument Return value
double double

Returns the arctangent of the specified value. The range of angles returned is -π / 2 ≤ x ≤ π / 2. For example, if the argument is ʻa, the size of the angle expressed by the radian method xis obtained so thattanx = a. Math.atan (1.0)is0.7853981633974483 (≒ π / 4`).


1st argument Second argument Return value
double double double

Returns the angle when converted from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates. The first argument is the y coordinate and the second argument is the x coordinate. (** Note the order **) In other words, "the angle between the" line segment connecting the origin and the point (x, y) "and the" positive part of the x-axis "in Cartesian coordinates" is returned by the radian method. Math.atan2 (Math.sqrt (3.0), 1.0) is 1.0471975511965976 (≒ π / 3).


argument Return value
--- double

Returns a random positive value greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0. Exactly the same as java.util.Random ().


1st argument Second argument Return value
int int int
long long long

Returns the sum of the arguments. Throws an exception if the result overflows an int or long. Math.addExact (1, 5) is 6.


1st argument Second argument Return value
int int int
long long long

Returns the difference between the arguments. Throws an exception if the result overflows an int or long. Math.subtractExact (1, 5) is -4.


1st argument Second argument Return value
int int int
long long long

Returns the product of the arguments. Throws an exception if the result overflows an int or long. Math.multiplyExact (2, 5) is 10.


argument Return value
int int
long long

Returns the argument incremented by 1. Throws an exception if the result overflows an int or long. If the argument is ʻa, the process is almost the same as ʻa ++.


argument Return value
int int
long long

Returns the argument decremented by 1. Throws an exception if the result overflows an int or long. If the argument is ʻa, the process is almost the same as ʻa--.


argument Return value
int int
long long

Returns the negation of the argument. Throws an exception if the result overflows an int or long. If the argument is ʻa, it is almost the same as the process that -a is returned, but if you put ʻInteger.MIN_VALUE in the argument, an exception will occur. (Because int type is -2147483648 ~ 2147483647)


argument Return value
long int

Returns a long argument as an int. Throws an exception if the value does not fit in an int.


1st argument Second argument Return value
int int int
long long long

Returns the maximum (closest to positive infinity) value less than or equal to the quotient algebra. Math.floorDiv (a, b) returns " floor of the quotient of ʻa divided by b". For example,-5 ÷ 3 is -1.6666 ... , so Math.floorDiv (-5, 3) is -2`.


1st argument Second argument Return value
int int int
long long long

Returns the floor modulus of the argument. Math.floorMod (a, b) returns "too much when ʻa is divided by band its quotient isfloorDiv (a, b)". For example, Math.floorDiv (-5, 3)is-2, so Math.floorMod (-5, 3) is 1`. In other words, the following formula holds.

b = Math.floorDiv(a, b) * b + Math.floorMod(a, b)


argument Return value
double double

Returns the number of Napiers (Euler numbers) ʻe raised to the power of a double value. If the argument is ʻa, ʻe ^ a` is returned.


argument Return value
double double
float float

If the argument is a, When ʻa <0, -1.0, When ʻa = 0, 0.0, Returns 1.0 when ʻa> 0`.


1st argument Second argument Return value
double double double

Returns sqrt (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2). No overflow or underflow will occur along the way. That is, Math.hypot (x, y) returns the "distance from the origin to the point (x, y) on the coordinate plane".


argument Return value
double double

Returns the natural logarithmic value of the argument (base e). That is, if the argument is ʻa, it returns the value x such that ʻe ^ x = a.


argument Return value
double double

Returns the common logarithmic value of the argument. That is, if the argument is ʻa, it returns the value xsuch that10 ^ x = a. Math.log10 (1000.0)is3.0`.



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