Master how to use Lambda, Stream, and LocalDate so that you can use it on a regular basis!
Lambda is a way to define and use a method as a variable. Lambda allows you to write fewer lines of code. You can also pass the defined method as an argument to another method. Write methods in Lambda that are used only a few times and are not referenced by other classes!
Since Lambda is written by omitting all the function names to be overridden, it is necessary to inherit the interface in which only one method is defined. Java already provides functional interfaces that can be used according to the number of arguments and return values, so I will use them.
** * Caution: When using primitive types such as int and double for arguments and return values, use the corresponding interfaces! (Because there is a difference in performance) ** Example) // When you want to send an int and receive an int Function → IntUnaryOperator
The detailed types of interfaces are listed below.
It is defined as the argument type and the return type.
Execution uses the ʻapply () method. There is also a BiFunction that can accept two arguments. If you want to specify int type for argument and return value, use ʻIntUnaryOperator
instead of Function.
The execution method is ʻapplyAsInt ()`.
import java.util.function.*;
//In main
Function<String, String> f = (i) -> { return i +"OK"; };
System.out.println(f.apply("test")); // testOK
Specifies the argument type.
Execution uses the ʻaccept () method. If you want to specify the argument as int type, use ʻIntConsumer
import java.util.function.*;
//In main
Consumer<String> c = i -> { System.out.println(i); };
c.accept("testOK"); // testOK
Specifies the return type.
Execution uses the get ()
If you want to specify the return value as int type, use ʻIntSupplier. The execution method is
getAsInt ()`.
import java.util.function.*;
//In main
Supplier<String> s = () -> { return "testOK"; };
System.out.println(s.get()); // testOK
Execution uses the test ()
The difference between Boolean specification of Function and Predicate is that Function returns Boolean, while Predicate returns boolean which is a primitive type.
If you want to specify the argument as int type, use ʻIntPredicate`.
import java.util.function.*;
//In main
Predicate<String> p = (i) -> { return i.equals("AAA"); };
System.out.println(p.test("AAA")); // true
You can concisely write a List type for statement.
You can also use Lambda as a method argument.
When using it, import
First, consider a normal for statement.
for(int i; i < 10; i++){
System.out.println(i+"This is the second time");
If you write this in Stream
IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(i -> System.out.println(i+"This is the second time"));
It will be simple.
Also, if you want to turn for for the elements of ArrayList,
//For the variable list -> [processing])
You can write like this.
The stream has an intermediate operation method that converts each element and a terminal operation method that finally returns and stores the value. Please note that the converted elements will not be saved unless the termination operation is performed.
The intermediate operations are as follows.
.skip (n)
... Discard the first n elements.
.limit (n)
... Extract only the first n items.
.filter (i-> [condition])
... Extract the one that meets the condition.
.distinct ()
... Remove duplicates.
.sorted ()
... Sort in natural order. It is also possible to specify a sort rule in parentheses.
.map (i-> [Processing])
... Process all elements.
The termination operations are as follows.
.forEach (i-> [Processing])
... Output.
.findFirst ()
... Returns the first element.
.collect ()
... Create the result. (Processing changes depending on the argument.)
.count ()
... Returns the number of elements.
.allMach ([condition]) .anyMach ([condition]) .noneMach ([condition])
... Determine if there is a match.
A class that processes dates.
It's easier to handle than the Calendar class I've been using.
Import and use java.time.LocalDate
I will raise the operations that are often used below.
LocalDate date =;
Set 2020-01-01
localDate date = LocalDate.of(2020, 1, 1);
Unlike Calendar, you don't have to set Month to -1!
Import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.
date = LocalDate.parse("20200101",DateTimeFormater.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd"));
Also possible below
date = LocalDate.parse("2020-01-01");
Day of the week
+10 days
-The 10th
+2 years
Import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.
Date difference
long diff = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(date1, date2);
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