Java lambda expression

What is a lambda expression?

This is the description method introduced in Java 8. The Stream API [^ 1], also introduced in Java 8, is premised on using lambda expressions, so learning lambda expressions seems to be beneficial.

[^ 1]: An API for handling collections such as arrays and lists, which allows you to implement value aggregation and data processing with easy-to-understand code.

Another advantage of using lambda expressions is that you can simplify "writing functional interfaces using anonymous classes."

How to write a lambda expression

The basic way to write a lambda expression is as follows.

Interface name Object name=Argument (can receive multiple)->processing;

You don't need to specify the argument type as the compiler will type infer it for you. ~~ When there is only one argument, there is no need to return, enclose the argument (), write the process {}, etc. ~~ ※correction You can omit {} and return if there is only one sentence in {} that says return ~. The number of arguments doesn't matter.

Implementation using anonymous classes

Anonymous class is the local class that implements the interface, omitting the declaration part. Lambda expressions allow you to write concisely and clearly without using anonymous classes.

For example, if you have the following anonymous class:

interface InterfaceTest{
    //Abstract method
    public String name(String name);
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //How to write using anonymous classes
        InterfaceTest greeting = new InterfaceTest() {
            public String name(String name) {
                return "Hello " + name;

In the above, it looks like you're instantiating an interface, but you're actually instantiating an anonymous class with an interface.

Execution result ↓

Hello momoji

Lambda-style implementation

Let's rewrite this with a lambda expression.

interface InterfaceTest{
    //Abstract method
    public String name(String name);
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //How to write using a lambda expression
        InterfaceTest greeting = (name) -> {
            return "Hello " + name;

The processing contents to be performed by the greeting method are described in {}. It's shorter and it's easier to see what you're doing. Also, you no longer have to specify the argument type.

Execution result ↓

Hello momoji

Write the forEach statement shorter using a lambda expression

Java has the same properties as a for-each statement, and there is an extended for statement. It has the property of performing the specified processing for all elements of an array or list.

How to write an extended for statement

for (Data type variable name:list and array){

To output all the elements of the list in order, write the following in the extended for statement.
class Main {
    public static void main (String[] args) {

            List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

            //Extended for statement
            for(String l : list) {


In the above example (1) Define a String type list "list" (2) Use the add method to fill the list with the elements "a", "b", and "c" one by one. (3) Output the list elements one by one using the extended for statement.

I am doing that.

The execution result is as follows.


This can be made even shorter with lambda expressions and foreach statements.

class Main {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
            List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
            //Extended for statement
            // for(String l : list) {
            //  System.out.println(l);
            // }

            //For Each statement using a lambda expression
            list.forEach(l -> System.out.println(l));

Execution result ↓


I was able to fit what I was writing by exercising 3 in one line. You can make this even shorter by using "method references".

What is a method reference?

This is also a notation introduced from Java 8. A method reference is a mechanism that allows you to refer to a method as an argument of the method. You can call a predefined method with no arguments.

The method reference is written as follows.

name of the class::Method name

After the class name, write "::" and the name of the method you want to call. No () is required in the method name.

I will combine it with a lambda expression at once.

//Lambda expression with method reference

Execution result ↓


The combination of lambda expressions and method references has made it possible to write much shorter.

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