Applied implementation of chat-space


This article summarizes the application implementation of the so-called chat-space that appears in a certain programming school. When I graduated from school, I remembered that there was an application implementation, so I wrote an article.

Immediately, what an application implementation is is to make sure that you don't even search for users you've added to a group. 画面収録 2020-06-14

What is the flow of operation of this function?

① Enter the keyword (input).

② When an event occurs, get the user's id displayed in the chat member as an array (ids)

③ After that, just pass input and ids during Ajax communication and search for users who do not include ids.

If the above is described in the source code, it will be as follows (only the changed part is displayed).

 let input = $("#user-search-field").val();
    let ids = [];
    $.each( $(".chat-group-user").find("input"), function(key,value){
      ids.push(  $(value).attr("value") );
      type: "GET",
      url: "/users",
      data: { keyword: input,ids: ids },
      dataType: "json"
 def index
    @users =[:keyword], params[:ids])
    respond_to do |format|
  def, ids)
    return nil if input == ""
    User.where(['name LIKE ?', "%#{input}%"] ).where.not(id: ids).limit(10)

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