Linux practice

2020-09-30 env_centos7_virtualbox Show only port number well-known On Linux, a list of port numbers and services is listed in / etc / services. Only the port numbers (0-1023, well-known ports) used by the main services were extracted.

$ wc -l / etc / services #First check the number of lines 11176 /etc/services $ head -1700 / etc / services | nl -b a # nl without option does not include blank lines, so it shifts There was no #port number 1023 and 1022 per 1700 line 1695 exp2 1022/dccp # RFC3692-style Experiment 2 (*) [RFC4727]

1695 Line 1022 / dccp is the end of the reserved port number

$ head -1695 /etc/services
exp2  1022/dccp  # RFC3692-style Experiment 2 (*)  [RFC4727]

2020-10-03 Migrate from CUI to GUI Since it was a minimal of centos7, install GNOME Desktop.

# yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop"

When completed, make it start up with GUI at startup # systemctl set-default restart # reboot

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