Linux permissions

[Linux permissions]

Permissions (example: --rwx rw- r--)

From the left ① The first is the file type (-: normal file, d: directory, l: symbolic link) ② The second is the permission for the user (owner) ③ The second is the permission for the group ④ Second, permissions for other users

Symbolic mode, octal mode

-Symbolic mode: Change permissions using letters and symbols

chmod ① (user) ② (operation) ③ (permission) file name </ strong>

① u: Owner, g: Group, o: Other, a: All users ② +: Give permission,-: Delete permission, =: Set permission ③ r: read right, w: write right, x: execute right

Octal mode: Change the desired permissions using octal numbers

①rwx ②rw- ③r--

① User rwx: 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 ② Group rw-: 4 + 2 + 0 = 6 ③ Others r--: 4 + 0 + 0 = 4

(R: read right, w: write right, x: execute right) (Read right: 4, Write right: 2, Execution right: 1, No permission: 0)

Default permissions

file </ strong> The permissions specified by the application at creation are 666 (rw- rw- rw-) The umask value is 002 (--- --- -w-) The default permissions are 664 (rw- rw- r--)

directory </ strong> The permissions specified by the application at creation are 777 (rwx rwx rwx) The umask value is 002 (--- --- -w-) The default permissions are 775 (rwx rwx r-x)


It seems that the app "755" was popular a while ago, but did you come up with the name from permissions? ??

If it is 755, it is rwx r-x r-x, so the user has read, write, and execute rights. Groups and others have read and execute rights but not write rights? I wonder if that means. I don't know at all.

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