Linux [directory command]


This will be a memo for learning.

A directory is a folder. A folder that stores files. The directories are nested.

The role of the main directory







/var directory)

cd [directory]

Command to move directory

Specifying a special directory

There is a special way to specify the current directory, parent directory, and home directory.

directory meaning How to specify
Current directory The directory you are currently in 「.」
Parent directory One level higher directory 「..」
Home directory 「/home/Username directory 「~」
Root directory 「/"directory 「/」


pwd [option]   #ほとんどoptionをつけることはない

Command to display the current directory (current directory) A command that tells you where you are now

ls [option][Directory file name] 

Command to display a list of files and directories Find out which folders/files are in your current directory

Convenient path name expansion

You can specify multiple files at once using pathname expansion

Path name expansion

symbol meaning
* Arbitrary string
Any one character
Concrete example
#Display a list of files with the extension html
$ls *.html
index.html home.html job.html

#Show files starting with z and ending with 4 characters
$ls /bin/z???
/bin/zcat /bin/zcmp /bin/znew

Frequently used options

ls -l View detailed information about the file

ls -a Show all files, including hidden files

ls -F Show file type

4.mkdir(make directory)

mkdir [option]<Directory name to create>

Command to create a directory

Frequently used options

-p Create deep directories at once With the -p option, you don't have to create a directory called test, 2019 in advance.

$mkdir -p test/2019/08

5.rmdir(remove directory)

rmdir <Directory name>

Command to delete an empty directory (an error will occur if you try to delete a non-empty directory) I rarely use it (mostly I use the rm command)

6. Path

The path is the address information of a directory or file. Represent the directory hierarchy delimiter with "/"

Pass type

1) Absolute path

The absolute path is the path starting from the root directory ("/").


2) Relative path

Relative path is the path starting from the current directory.


7. Column (Check how to use commands)

1) help command

Display help messages for commands with the --help option

<command> --help

#Concrete example
 ls --help
Usage: ls[option]...[File]...

It will give you an overview of how to use the command, a list of available options, and use it when you want to understand the outline of the command.

2) man command

Display the command manual with the man command It's more detailed than the --help option, so use it when you want to understand the command properly.

man <Command name you want to look up>

#Concrete example
man ls
    ls -list directory contents
#You can search by keyword
man -k move

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