Linux directory structure


The directory structure of Linux is created according to the standard called FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard), and it seems that it has a history, so I investigated it myself. If you want to know more, please click here. →Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

Basic edition

The directories directly under the root directory specified by the current FHS (FHS 3.0) that are required are "/ bin", "/ boot", "/ dev", "/ etc", "/ lib", and "/ media". There are 14 "/ mnt", "/ opt", "/ run", "/ sbin", "/ srv", "/ tmp", "/ usr", and "/ var" ("/ home" and "/ root" are specified as options. ).

directory role
/ Root directory. This is the starting point of the hierarchy.
/bin Contains executable files needed to boot or repair the system in single-user mode. For example, executable files such as cat, cp, ls, more, tar.
/boot Includes Linux kernel, boot manager, etc. This directory contains only the files needed during the boot process.
/dev A device attached to a computer that references a physical device(Mouse, keyboard, disc, etc.)Where to put special files and device files.
/etc The directory that contains most system configuration files. Also in subdirectories/etc/rc.d contains the initialization script.
/lib The location where the shared libraries needed to boot the system and the shared libraries needed to execute commands on the root file system are located.
/media CD-Mount point for external media such as ROMs and floppy disks.
/mnt The mount point for the temporarily mounted file system.
/opt Places static files for add-on packages.
/run Contains data related to the running process.
/sbin /Like bin, this directory contains the commands needed to boot the system. However, commands that general users do not normally execute are placed here.
/srv Temporary files that can be deleted unconditionally are placed by regular jobs or at system startup.
/tmp Temporary files that can be deleted unconditionally are placed by regular jobs or at system startup.
/usr Contains files that the user installs independently. A structure similar to that directly under the route has been created.
/var Files that change in size, such as spool files and log files, are placed.

When you actually hit the following command on Ubuntu, the following directory structure is displayed.

tree -d -L 2



Here, the directories (including options) directly under the root directory are explained in detail.

/ bin: Contains required user command binaries

Contains commands that can be used by both system administrators and users. Required if no other file system is mounted (for example, single user mode). It may also contain commands that are used indirectly by the script.

Do not create subdirectories as the commands will not work.

The following commands are saved.

command Description
cat Utility to concatenate files to standard output
chgrp Utility to change ownership of filegroups
chmod Utility to change file permissions
chown Utility to change file owner and group
cp Utility to copy files and directories
date Utility to print or set system data and time
dd Utility to convert and copy files
df Utility to report file system disk space usage
dmesg Utility to print or control kernel message buffers
echo Utility to display lines of text
false false. Utility that does nothing
hostname Utility to display or set the host name of the system
kill Utility to signal a stop to a process
ln Utility to create links between files
login Utility to start a session on the system
ls Utility to list the contents of a directory
mkdir Utility to create a directory
mknod Utility to create special files for blocks or characters
more Utility for paging text
mount Utility to mount the file system
mv Move files/Rename utility
ps Utility to report process status
pwd Utility to output the name of the current working directory
rm Utility to delete files or directories
rmdir Utility to delete empty directories
sed "Sed" stream editor
sh POSIX compatible command shell
stty Utility to change and print terminal line settings
su Utility to change user ID
sync Utility to flush file system buffers
true true. Utility that does nothing
umount Utility to unmount the file system
uname Utility to print system information

/ boot: Puts the boot loader static files

It has everything needed for the boot process, except for configuration files and map installers that aren't needed at boot time. It also contains data that is used before the kernel starts running user-mode programs, and may contain saved master boot sectors and sector map files.

The programs needed to allow the bootloader to boot files are located in / sbin. In addition, the boot loader configuration file that is unnecessary at startup is located in / etc.

/ dev: Places device files

No need to dig deep.

/ etc: Contains host-specific system configuration files

A system configuration file is a local file used to control the behavior of a program. It must be static and cannot be an executable binary. By the way, when you put the system configuration file in / etc, it is usually saved in a subdirectory instead of directly under it.

/ etc If the corresponding subsystem is installed, the following directory will be created and the configuration file will be saved in it. (Or there is a symbolic link to the directory.)

directory Description
/etc/opt System-wide initialization file for C-shell login
/etc/X11 NFS file system access control list
/etc/sgml Static information about the file system
/etc/xml Directory where XML configuration files are located

Also, if the corresponding subsystem of / etc is installed, the following files are saved in / etc. (Or there is a symbolic link to the directory.)

File Description
csh.login System-wide initialization file for C-shell login
exports NFS file system access control list
fstab Static information about the file system
ftpusers FTP daemon user access control list
gateways A file listing the routed gateways
gettydefs Speed and device settings used by getty
group User group file
host.conf Resolver configuration file
hosts Static information about the host name
hosts.allow TCP wrapper host access file
hosts.deny TCP wrapper host access file
hosts.equiv List of trusted hosts for rlogin, rsh, rcp
hosts.lpd List of trusted hosts for lpd
inetd.conf inetd configuration file
inittab init configuration file
issue Pre-login message and identification file List of additional directories to search for shared libraries
motd Message after login of the file of the day
mtab Dynamic information about the file system
mtools.conf mtools configuration file
networks Static information about network names
passwd Password file
printcap lpd printer function database
profile system-wide initialization file for sh shell login
protocols IP protocol list
resolv.conf Resolver configuration file
rpc RPC protocol list
securetty TTY access control for root login
services Network service port name
shells Valid login shell pathname
syslog.conf syslogd configuration file

/ home: User's home directory (optional)

No need to dig deep.

/ lib: Contains required shared libraries and kernel modules

Contains the shared libraries needed to boot the system and execute commands on the root file system. The following files are placed.

File Description* Dynamically linked C library
ld* Runtime linker/Loader

/ lib If the corresponding subsystem is installed, the following directory will be created and the module will be saved in it. (Or there is a symbolic link to the directory.)

directory Description
modules Loadable kernel module

/ media: Removable media mount point

Contains subdirectories used as mount points for removable media such as floppy disks, CD-ROMs, and zip disks.

/ media If the corresponding subsystem is installed, the following directory will be created and the module will be saved in it. (Or there is a symbolic link to the directory.)

directory Description
floppy Floppy drive
cdrom CD-ROM drive
cdrecorder CD writer
zip Zip drive
iso iso drive

/ mnt: Mount point for temporarily mounted filesystems

No need to dig deep.

/ opt: Places add-on application software packages

Directory reserved for installing add-on application software packages. The directory structure is / opt / bin, / opt / docm, / opt / include, / opt / info, / opt / lib, and / opt / man.

Programs that users call must be placed under the directory / opt / / bin or / opt / hierarchy. (Place in or under the / opt / / share / man, / opt / hierarchy if the package contains UNIX man pages, and the directory structure under / usr / share / man. Must have the same substructure as.) You also need to install host-specific configuration files in / etc / opt.

Install variable (normal operation changes) package files in / var / opt.

/ proc: Special directory for virtual filesystems

No need to dig deep.

/ root: root user's home directory (optional)

No need to dig deep.

/ run: Puts runtime variable data

Contains system information data that describes the system after booting. Files under this directory are cleared (deleted or truncated as needed) at the start of the startup process.

/ sbin: Contains system binary files

In addition to the binaries used for system administration, there are binaries that are essential for system boot, restore, recovery, and / or repair.

Do not create subdirectories as the commands will not work.

The following commands are saved.

command Description
fastboot Reboot the system without checking the disk
fasthalt Shut down the system without checking the disk
fdisk Partition table manipulator
fsck File system check and repair utility
fsck.* File system check and repair utility for a particular file system
getty Getty Program
halt Command to stop the system
ifconfig Network interface configuration
init Initial process
mkfs Command to build a file system
mkfs.* Commands to build a specific file system
mkswap Command to set swap area
reboot Command to restart the system
route IP Routing Table Utility
swapon Enable paging and swapping
swapoff Disable paging and swapping
update A daemon that periodically flushes filesystem buffers

/ srv: Contains data for services provided by this system

A directory containing data for services such as HTTP and FTP.

/ sys: Contains device information

No need to dig deep.

/ tmp: Puts temporary files

A directory provided for use by programs that require temporary files.

/ usr: Contains most multi-user (for all users) utilities and applications

Many programs, such as the X Window System, are stored in subdirectories.

Host-specific information and information that changes over time is stored elsewhere (the former under / etc, the latter under / var).

There are the following directories.

directory Description
/usr Many programs, such as the X Window System, are stored in subdirectories.
/usr/bin It contains many non-core Linux operating system executables.
/usr/include C or C++I put a header file such as.
/usr/lib /usr/bin/Or/usr/sbin/The base library for executable files in(library)group(C or C++Library files such as)Is placed.
/usr/sbin Non-basic system executable files(Administrative commands)Is placed. For example, daemons for various network services.
/usr/share It has shared files such as default configuration files, images, and documents.
/usr/src The source code of the Linux kernel is placed. For example, the kernel source code and its header files.
/usr/X11R6 X Window System,There is a Version 11 Release 6 application.
/usr/local /It is similar to the usr directory and has local files.

/ var: Contains various system files such as logs, mail, print spools, etc.

There are the following directories.

directory Description
/var Contains various system files such as logs, mail, and print spools.
/var/cache It stores the cached data of the application.
/var/lib Contains information about the status of the application.
/var/lock There is a lock file to check for double startup.
/var/log I have a log file.
/var/mail Contains the user's email data.
/var/opt /The data of the package in the optdh directory is stored.
/var/run The system data after booting is stored.
/var/spool The data waiting for the process is stored.
/var/tmp I have a temporary file for system reboot.

Referenced, helpful site

-Linux bean knowledge 173-FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard)

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