Linux user commands

Change user or privilege command

Switch to root user(The current directory remains the same)

sudo su

Switch to root user(Go to root user's home directory)

sudo su -

Change the authority that can handle the target file

chmod permission file name

There are two ways to display authority

Pattern 1 expressed by numbers

Authority expression

1 Execution permission only
2 Write permission only
3 Run+Write permission
4 Read permission only
5 Read+Run
6 Read+write
7 Read+write+Run


chmod 654 testfile.txt

ls -l
total 0
-rw-r-xr--  1 user  group  0 10 15 21:04 testfile.txt

Represented by two letters of pattern

User representation

u → user
g → Group
o → Other
a → All users

Authority expression

r read
w write
x run

Change expression

+Add from the current status
-Delete from the current status
=Specify the result directly

Example__Read all users and change to execute permission

# chmod a=rx testfile.txt
# ls -l
total 0
-r-xr-xr-x  1 user  group  0 10 15 21:10 testfile.txt

Change ownership of target fill

chown change user name target file

#When changing the group name

chown change username:Change group name Target file

#When changing directory ownership

chown -R Change user name Target directory

Set and update password

passwd username#If you omit the user name, you can change your password

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