Frequently used Linux commands (for beginners)


Linux is an operating system used all over the world. Linux commands are also used on Mac, so I would like to summarize frequently used commands once.

Linux command introduced this time


cd Move the directory. (current directory)


% cd /
=> /(Root directory)Move to
% cd
=> ~(Home directory)Move to
% cd appfolder
=>If there is a directory called appfolder in the current directory, move to appfolder
% cd ..
=>Parent directory(Directory one level above the current directory)Move to

pwd Show the current directory. (pringt working directory)


Example)When you're on your desktop

% pwd
=> /Users/username/Desktop

mkdir Create a directory. (make directory)


Example)When you're on your desktop

% mkdir newfolder
=>A directory called newfolder is created on Desktop

touch Create a new file.


Example)When you're on your desktop

%  touch newfile
=>A file called newfile is created on Desktop

ls List files and directories in the current directory


Example)When in the root directory

%  ls
=> Applications Systems Volumes cores...Omitted below

rm Delete files in the current directory


Example)When you are in Desktop and there is a file called newfile in Desktop

%  rm newfile
=>Newfile on Desktop is deleted

rm -r Delete the directory in the current directory.


Example)When you are in Desktop and there is a directory called newfolder in Desktop

%  rm -r newfolder
=>New folder on Desktop is removed


We hope that this post will help beginners review.

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