--It works fine as a USB midi device, but there is no sound from the headphone jack of MixTrack Pro 2. --No sound from applications other than Mixxx from the headphone jack of MixTrack Pro2 --Invalid sample rate error occurs when trying to output sound from the headphone jack of MixTrack Pro 2 in the sound device settings.
Error opening "MixTrack Pro 2: USB Audio (hw:1,0)"
Invalid sample rate
--Check if lsusb recognizes MixTrack Pro2 --If snd-usb-audio is not loaded by lsmod, load it manually ([Source so far](https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/usb-soundcard-numark-] mixtrack-pro-2-does-not-work-4175612190 /)) --Start mixxx after changing the environment variable to use plughw without using HW of ALSA (Source)
$ sudo modprobe snd-usb-audio
$ export PA_ALSA_PLUGHW=1
$ pasuspeder mixxx #pasuspender temporarily stops PulseAudio while Mixxx is running
--Add `snd-usb-audio``` to / etc / modules and load kernel modules at boot time --Added
alias mixxx ='export PA_ALSA_PLUGHW = 1 && pasuspender mixxx'
`` to ~ / .bashrc
--Changed the "Exec =" line in ~ / .local / share / applications / mixxx.desktop to ``` sh -c'export PA_ALSA_PLUGHW = 1 && pasuspender mixxx'