What to do when "Nil location provided. Can't build URI." Appears on CarrierWave


Rails 6.0.3
ruby 2.5.1

Assumed situation and cause

Click here for the error


 = link_to image_tag(user.image.url), user

Let's examine the contents of the User model once. ↓ Contents of User model

name: "Shota Fujita",
  email: "[email protected]",
  password_digest: [FILTERED],
  admin: false,
  image: nil,

It seems that the cause is that the value of ʻimage is nil`.


Solution 1. Delete the user who is nil.

Find the user who is nil with rails c etc. and delete it.

Solution 2. Set the default image

Add the following to ʻimage_uploader.rb`.


  def default_url(*args)

Put the images in ʻapp / assets / images` and you're done.


-[Rails] basic image_tag and how to set default image

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