Using JUnit from the command line on Ubuntu

I don't usually do Java very much, but I wanted to use JUnit a little, so I made a note of how to use it quickly.

While saying "on Ubuntu", the confirmation environment is "Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS" of "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows", but I think that the real thing is okay.

  1. JUnit 3

1.1. Installation

sudo apt install junit

1.2. Compile

javac -cp ./:/usr/share/java/junit.jar

It's really a good idea to add the jar to the environment variable CLASSPATH.

1.3. Execution

junit TestClassName

You can run it with java nachara, which is more convenient.

  1. JUnit 4

2.1. Installation

sudo apt install junit4

2.2. Compile

javac -cp ./:/usr/share/java/junit4.jar

You don't have to give the jar a long version name.

2.3. Execution

java -cp ./:/usr/share/java/junit4.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore TestClassName

There seems to be no junit4 command for JUnit 4 a little disappointing ... If you want to make your own, can you do it right away?

3. Other references

-"JUnit4 memo (Hishidama's JUnit4 Memo)" --Differences between JUnit 3 and JUnit 4 etc.

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