AtCoder JSC2019 Qual B to solve with Ruby and Python Inverse element of arithmetic progression


This theme

AtCoder JSC2019 Qual B - Kleene Inversion Difficulty: 797

This theme, sum of arithmetic progression + inverse element Ruby I've never heard of inversions, but let's see what kind ofinversionsfor example 1 3 2.

K 3 2 1 total
132 1 1
132 132 4 1 5
132 132 132 7 4 1 12

One 1 3 2 is 1, two side by side 1 3 2 1 3 2 is 4 + 1, and three are lined up1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2is 7 You can see that it is the sum of + 4 + 1 and arithmetic progression. For the formula of the sum of arithmetic progressions, refer to * here *.


n, k =
a =
b = a + a
c = 0
(a.size - 1).times do |i|
  (i + 1).upto(a.size - 1) do |j|
    c += 1 if a[i] > a[j]
d = 0
(b.size - 1).times do |i|
  (i + 1).upto(b.size - 1) do |j|
    d += 1 if b[i] > b[j]
d -= c * 2
def modpow(n, p, mod)
  r = 1
  while p > 0
    r = r * n % mod if p & 1 == 1;
    n = n * n % mod
    p >>= 1
def modinv(n, mod)
  modpow(n, mod - 2, mod)
MOD = 1_000_000_007
ans = (k - 1) * d % MOD
ans += 2 * c
ans %= MOD
ans *= k
ans %= MOD
ans *= modinv(2, MOD)
ans %= MOD
puts ans


c = 0
(a.size - 1).times do |i|
  (i + 1).upto(a.size - 1) do |j|
    c += 1 if a[i] > a[j]
d = 0
(b.size - 1).times do |i|
  (i + 1).upto(b.size - 1) do |j|
    d += 1 if b[i] > b[j]
d -= c * 2

The first term c and the tolerance d are calculated here.


ans = (k - 1) * d % MOD
ans += 2 * c
ans %= MOD
ans *= k
ans %= MOD
ans *= modinv(2, MOD)
ans %= MOD

It is the formula part of the sum of arithmetic progressions, but since there is division by 2, it is necessary to find the inverse element. Python

n, k = map(int, input().split())
a = list(map(int, input().split()))
b = a + a
c = 0
for i in range(len(a)):
    for j in range(i + 1, len(a)):
        if a[i] > a[j]:
            c += 1
d = 0
for i in range(len(b)):
    for j in range(i + 1, len(b)):
        if b[i] > b[j]:
            d += 1
d -= c * 2
def modpow(n, p, mod):
    r = 1
    while p > 0:
        if p & 1 == 1:
            r = r * n % mod
        n = n * n % mod
        p >>= 1
    return r
def modinv(n, mod):
    return modpow(n, mod - 2, mod)
MOD = 10 ** 9 + 7
ans = (k - 1) * d % MOD
ans += 2 * c
ans %= MOD
ans *= k
ans %= MOD
ans *= modinv(2, MOD)
ans %= MOD

Even with PyPy3 (2.4.0), it could be used as it is.

Ruby Python PyPy3
Code length(Byte) 621 676 676
Execution time(ms) 948 1903 322
memory(KB) 1916 3188 41692


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