Easy web scraping with Python and Ruby

Web scraping-> Collecting HTML data of a website to extract and format specific data.

This time, I will introduce one of the methods of Python and Ruby respectively.

Python: BeautifulSoup4

Beautiful Soup is quite useful in Python.


pip install beautifulsoup4

How to use

import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

html = urllib2.urlopen("http://example.com")
# =>Of course you can also read files.

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

#Lots of useful methods!

#It seems that you can also rename tags, change attribute values, add and delete them!
tag = soup.a
tag.string = "New link text."
# => <a href="">New link text.</a>

soup = BeautifulSoup("<a>Foo</a>")
# => <a href="">FooBar</a>

I've never used Python, but it was a lot of fun to use.

Ruby: nokogiri


gem install nokogiri
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'nokogiri'

How to use

charset = nil
html = open("http://example.com") do |f|
  charset = f.charset 

doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html, nil, charset)

doc.xpath('//h2 | //h3').each do |link|
  puts link.content
html = File.open('data.html', encoding: 'utf-8') { |file| file.read }
doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html, nil) do |d|
  d.xpath('//td').each do |td|
    pp td.content

Personally, I liked Ruby after all.


Scraping with Python and Beautiful Soup-Qiita http://qiita.com/itkr/items/513318a9b5b92bd56185 kondou.com --Beautiful Soup 4.2.0 Doc. Japanese translation (2013-11-19 last updated) http://kondou.com/BS4/# Ruby scraping with Nokogiri [Tutorial for beginners] --Sake, 泪, Ruby, Rails http://morizyun.github.io/blog/ruby-nokogiri-scraping-tutorial/

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