Web crawling, web scraping, character acquisition and image saving with python


import re
import requests
from pathlib import Path
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

Create a working folder

output_folder = Path('Working folder')

I want to get yahoo weather data

Get the html element using requests.

url = 'https://weather.yahoo.co.jp/weather/jp/13/4410.html'
html = requests.get(url).text

It's hard to read as it is, so rewrite the structure with Beautiful Soup

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')

Check the soup to see where the information you want to get is. This time I want to get ** today tomorrow's weather **.

Search for the word with ctrl + F.


I was able to confirm class = "yjMt".

Get by specifying the element with soup

today = soup.select('.yjMt')

When you want to get a div, select ('div') When class wants to get ('.class') When you want to get the id ('# id') If you want to take img, soup.find_all ('img') may be more convenient than select

Check the acquired contents

[<h2 class="yjMt">Today tomorrow weather</h2>,
 <h2 class="yjMt">Weekly weather</h2>,
 <h2 class="yjMt">Pinpoint weather</h2>]

Since three elements are taken out, it is necessary to specify the list number and take out.

Get the maximum and minimum temperatures in the same way

high = soup.select('.high')
low = soup.select('.low')
[<li class="low"><em>25</em>℃[+2]</li>,
 <li class="low"><em>28</em>℃[+3]</li>]

Since the information of tomorrow is coming in today, specify the list number. Remove unnecessary strings.

today_low= str(low[0]).replace('<li class="high"><em>', '').replace('</em>', '').replace('</li>', '')

Image acquisition

Right click on the image on the website Copy the url and search for the url with ctrl + F.

It turns out that class is pict

pict = soup.select('.pict')
[<p class="pict"><img alt="Cloudy and sometimes rain" border="0" src="https://s.yimg.jp/images/weather/general/next/size150/203_day.png "/>Cloudy and sometimes rain</p>,
 <p class="pict"><img alt="Cloudy then sunny" border="0" src="https://s.yimg.jp/images/weather/general/next/size150/266_day.png "/>Cloudy then sunny</p>,
 <div class="cmnMod pict">
 <dt>Rain cloud radar</dt>
 <dd><a data-ylk="slk:zmradar; pos:1" href="//weather.yahoo.co.jp/weather/zoomradar/?lat=35.6965&amp;lon=139.4472&amp;z=10"><img alt="Movement of rain clouds" height="150" src="https://weather-pctr.c.yimg.jp/r/iwiz-weather/raincloud/1599021000/202010-0000-pf1300-20200902133000.gif?w=200&amp;h=150" width="200"/>
 <dt>Weather map</dt>
 <dd><a data-ylk="slk:chart; pos:1" href="/weather/chart/"><img alt="Weather map" height="150" src="https://weather-pctr.c.yimg.jp/r/iwiz-weather/chart_v2/1599012878/WM_ChartA_20200902-090000.jpg?w=200&amp;h=150" width="200"/>
 <dt>Meteorological satellite</dt>
 <dd><a data-ylk="slk:stlt; pos:1" href="/weather/satellite/"><img alt="Meteorological satellite" height="150" src="https://weather-pctr.c.yimg.jp/r/iwiz-weather/satellite_v2/1599022735/WM_H-JPN-IR_20200902-140000.jpg?w=200&amp;h=150" width="200"/>

I want to get only the url of the image. Since there is a "" "before and after the image url, use this as the specified character to separate the characters. Specify the list number with the corresponding url from the separated list.

sp = re.split('"', str(pict))

Extract the image from the url and display it in PIL

from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO

img = requests.get(sp[7]).content
today_pict = Image.open(BytesIO(img))


Another solution

There is also a way to retrieve only the img in the a tag

a_img = soup.select('a > img')

Split from the extraction and narrow down to only the image with the extension match

str_img = str(a_img).split('"')
l_in = [s for s in str_img if '.jpg' in s]


today_pict.save("today_pict.png ")

that's all

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