Notes on HDR and RAW image processing with Python


I want to process HDR and RAW images with Python


Basic RAW processing library. Compatible with Windows (prebuilt and piped)



I use rawpy to read and write RAW.

Also pay attention to the color package!

In addition, various color chart data (EXR format) is added to color-nuke.


You can read various things.

OpenEXR was also supported (via FreeImage).

If it is pip, prebuilt will be included? It may not be necessary to compile. (The prebuilt binaries linked above are 6 years old and old)


There seems to be an OpenEXR package.

Is pyexr easier?

However, both are troublesome because they are from source to build.

imageio may be fine, but PyEXR using TinyEXR

I made a prebuilt binary wheel for Windows, macOS, and Linux with cibuildwheel.

Build python bwheel (including C ++ module) with cibuildwheel in bulk with CI and upload it to PyPI Note:

You can install pip without compiling! (python2.7 is not supported.)


If you want to save as 32bit float, is tifffile good?

You may be able to use rawpy.

Image processing

Is it quick to make it a numpy 2D array (float32) and process it with numpy or something?

tone map

T.B.W. (Is it in the colour-science package?)

Add zebra to the image

You want to create a zebra (striped pattern) pattern where the highlights are flying. There seems to be no quick way to do it. Is it possible to create an image of a zebra pattern and combine it?



Happy HDR/RAW image loading & editing!

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