Image processing with Python & OpenCV [Tone Curve]


This article mainly introduces image processing by ** Tone Curve **. The textbook has a Tone Curve, but no code ... It may be for those who are wondering what kind of code can be achieved.

If you don't know Tone Curve and read this article It would be nice if you could easily find out by "Introduction" in [] tc.

Tone curve, output image (color, grayscale), conversion function I will introduce them in the order of.

Operating environment

Terminal: Windows 10
Console: cmd(command prompt)
Virtual environment: venv

table of contents

-[** Negative / Positive Inversion ](#Negative / Positive Inversion) -[ Line-shaped tone curve ](# Line-shaped tone curve) -[Line-shaped tone curve 1](# Line-shaped tone curve 1) -[Line-shaped tone curve 2](# Line-shaped tone curve 2) -[ S-shaped tone curve ](#s-shaped tone curve) -[ Gamma conversion tone curve ](# Gamma conversion tone curve) -[ Solarization ](# Solarization) -** Posterization ** -[ 2 Threshold **](# 2 Threshold)


There are two input images as follows.

Color Grayscale
original.jpg grayScale.jpg

For grayscale, I used OpenCV's cv2.cvtColor ().

How color and grayscale images change I will introduce it.

Also, if the return value from the function is read by the cv2.imwrite () function etc. You can save it.

▷ Negative / positive reversal

Invert the pixel value as its name suggests. (* From this, * x * in the formula is the pixel value.)

f(x) = 255 - x

Tone curve


Output image

input output
input output


input output
input output


Conversion function

def negaPosi(frame):
    return 255 - frame

▷ Line-shaped tone curve

I'm suffering from the previously introduced article ... If you want to see more details, I would appreciate it if you read the article.

Here, the tone curve for n = 2 is output. (* N is the value of how many times the pixel value is multiplied.)

◆ Line-shaped tone curve 1

A conversion that increases the contrast of the image.

f(x) = \begin{cases} 2 \cdot x & (x < 128) \\ 255 & (otherwise)

Tone curve


Output image

input output
input output


input output
input output


Conversion function

def toneCurve1(frame, n = 1):
    look_up_table = np.zeros((256,1), dtype = 'uint8')
    for i in range(256):
        if i < 256 / n:
            look_up_table[i][0] = i * n
            look_up_table[i][0] = 255
    return cv2.LUT(frame, look_up_table)

◆ Line-shaped tone curve 2

This is a conversion that lowers the contrast with respect to the top.

f(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & (x < 128) \\ 2 \cdot x - 255 & (otherwise)

Tone curve


Output image

input output
input output


input output
input output


Conversion function

def toneCurve2(frame, n = 1):
    look_up_table = np.zeros((256,1), dtype = 'uint8')
    for i in range(256):
        if i < 256 - 256 / n :
            look_up_table[i][0] = 0
            look_up_table[i][0] = i * n - 255 * (n - 1)
    return cv2.LUT(frame, look_up_table)

▷ S-shaped tone curve

This S Tone Curve is brighter in bright areas Dark areas are transformations that emphasize darker.

f(x) = \frac {255}{2} \cdot \left\{\sin\left(\frac {x}{255} - \frac {1}{2}\right)\pi + 1\right\}

Tone curve


Output image

input output
input output


input output
input output

The image is clear somewhere.


Conversion function

def sToneCurve(frame):
    look_up_table = np.zeros((256,1), dtype = 'uint8')
    for i in range(256):
        look_up_table[i][0] = 255 * (np.sin(np.pi * (i/255 - 1/2)) + 1) / 2
    return cv2.LUT(frame, look_up_table)

▷ Gamma conversion tone curve

In the line-shaped tone curve I mentioned earlier There is a part where the shading information is lost after being converted to a constant value (0, 255). In gamma conversion, conversion can be performed while leaving the shading information of that part.

f(x) = 255 \cdot \left(\frac {x}{255}\right)^\frac{1}{\gamma}

Tone curve

Here are some gamma value patterns.


Output image

input γ = 3 γ = 2
input output output
γ = 1 γ = 0.5 γ = 1 / 3
output output output


input γ = 3 γ = 2
input output output
γ = 1 γ = 0.5 γ = 1 / 3
output output output

Obviously, the image of γ = 1 and input will be the same.


Conversion function

def gammaCurve(frame, gamma = 1):
    look_up_table = np.zeros((256,1), dtype = 'uint8')
    for i in range(256):
        look_up_table[i][0] = pow(i / 255, 1 / gamma) * 255
    return cv2.LUT(frame, look_up_table)

▷ Solarization

The image looks like a mixture of negative and positive images.

The conversion formula used in my solarization is as follows.

f(x) = \frac {255}{2} \cdot \sin\left\{3\pi\left(\frac {x}{255} - \frac {1}{2}\right)\right\}

Tone curve


Output image

input output
input output


input output
input output


Conversion function

def soralization(frame):
    look_up_table = np.zeros((256,1), dtype = 'uint8')
    for i in range(256):
        look_up_table[i][0] = (np.sin(3 * np.pi * (i / 255 + 1 / 2 )) + 1) * 255 / 2
    return cv2.LUT(frame, look_up_table)

▷ Posterization

Pixel values are gradually made constant. The image will look like a painting.

As an output, a pattern in which the pixel value is divided into 2, 3 and 4 stages is output.

Tone curve

posterization2.png posterization3.png
posterization.png posterization5.png

Output image

input step = 2
input output
step = 3 step = 4
output output


input step = 2
input output
step = 3 step = 4
output output

It looks like a postcard.


Conversion function

def posterization(frame, step = 4):
    if 1 < step and step <= 256:
        look_up_table = np.zeros((256, 1), dtype = 'uint8')
        split = int(256 / (step - 1))
        up = int(256 / step)
        for i in range(256):
            if np.trunc(i / up) * split >= 255:
                look_up_table[i][0] = 255
                look_up_table[i][0] = np.trunc(i / up) * split
        return cv2.LUT(frame, look_up_table)
        return frame

Probably the hardest part of coming up with this code ... If you have a better way, please teach me.

▷ Binarization

From the threshold n ** Value when small is 0 (minimum value) ** ** A conversion that changes the value when it is large to 255 (maximum value) **.

I haven't used it this time, but in the cv2 library, [Binarization Function]( /py_thresholding/py_thresholding.html). There are cv2.adaptiveThreshold () and cv2.threshold ().

f(x) = \begin{cases}
       0 & (x < n) \\ 255 &(otherwise)

Tone curve

This time, the output is for the threshold n = {50, 128, 200}.

thre_50.png thre_128.png thre_200.png

Output image

input n = 50
input output
n = 128 n = 200
output output


input n = 50
input output
n = 128 n = 200
output output


Conversion function

def threshold(frame, threshold_v = 50):
    frame[frame < threshold_v] = 0
    frame[frame >= threshold_v] = 255
    return frame

Main function

import cv2
import numpy as np


def main():
    img_path = '.\\image\\castle.jpg' #Specify the image arbitrarily
    img = cv2.imread(img_path)
    frame = grayScale(img)
    #Call a function,Please practice.
    # cv2.imwrite('tone_changed.jpg', negaPosi(img))

if __name__ == '__main__':

in conclusion

This time, I introduced the gradation conversion by some tone curves. Next, I'm thinking of doing image processing with filters.

You can add a UI to make it more practical.

Then: wave:


-[Computer Graphics] cv -[Image source]( % E3% 83% A9% E3% 83% B3% E3% 83% 89-3619698 /) (Pixabay)

Related article

-[Let's talk about the tone curve of image processing ~ LUT is amazing ~] tc

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