Solving with Ruby, Perl, Java and Python AtCoder ATC 002 B


AtCoder Typical Contest (ATC) is a contest that asks typical questions in competitive programming. Thank you, AtCoder.

This theme

AtCoder Typical Contest 002 B - n^p mod m

This theme, iterative squares Ruby For example, when calculating 2 to the 64th power, if you simply multiply by 2, you need to multiply 63 times, but by using the calculation result, you can calculate by multiplying 6 times, which leads to faster calculation.


n = 2
63.times do
  n *= 2
puts n # => 18446744073709551616

n = 2
6.times do
  n *= n
puts n # => 18446744073709551616

The iterative squares method applies this to odd-numbered powers and divisors.


n, m, p =
def mpow(n, p, mod)
  r = 1
  while p > 0
    r = r * n % mod if p & 1 == 1
    n = n * n % mod
    p >>= 1
puts mpow(n, p, m)

If you make it a function, you can use it for later contests ~~ copy ~~.


n, m, p = map(int, input().split())
def mpow(n, p, mod):
    r = 1
    while p > 0:
        if p & 1 == 1:
            r = r * n % mod
        n = n * n % mod
        p >>= 1
    return r
print(mpow(n, p, m))

The postfix if will be after studying a little more. Perl

chomp (my ($n, $m, $p) = split / /, <STDIN>);
sub mpow {
  my ($n, $p) = @_;
  my $r = 1;
  while ($p > 0) {
    $r = $r * $n % $m if $p & 1;
    $n = $n * $n % $m;
    $p >>= 1;
print mpow($n, $p), "\n";

For * Perl *, it doesn't seem to cause an error in the scope of $ m. Java

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        BigInteger n = new BigInteger(;
        BigInteger m = new BigInteger(;
        BigInteger p = new BigInteger(;
        System.out.println(n.modPow(p, m));
Ruby Python Perl Java
Code length 183 Byte 217 Byte 227 Byte 386 Byte
Execution time 7 ms 17 ms 3 ms 106 ms
memory 1788 KB 3060 KB 640 KB 24020 KB


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