Solving with Ruby, Perl, Java, and Python AtCoder ABC 065 C factorial


This theme

AtCoder beginner Contets C - Reconciled? Difficulty: 647

This theme, factorial Ruby It is the factorial of the dog N and the factorial of the monkey M. If you make the factorial a function, you can use it for later contests.


n, m =
MOD = 1_000_000_007
def nPk(n, k)
  r = 1
  while k > 0
    r *= n
    r %= MOD
    n -= 1
    k -= 1
if (n - m).abs > 1
  puts 0
elsif n == m
  puts nPk(n, n) * nPk(m, m) * 2 % MOD
  puts nPk(n, n) * nPk(m, m) % MOD


def nCk(n, k)
  r, j = 1, 1
  return 0 if k > n || k < 0
  k = n - k if n - k < k
  while j <= k
    r *= n
    n -= 1
    r /= j
    j += 1

This is also reusable ~~ copy ~~. Python

n, m = map(int, input().split())
MOD = 1000000007
def nPk(n, k):
    r = 1
    while k > 0:
        r *= n
        r %= MOD
        n -= 1
        k -= 1
    return r
if abs(n - m) > 1:
elif n == m:
    print(nPk(n, n) * nPk(m, m) * 2 % MOD)
    print(nPk(n, n) * nPk(m, m) % MOD)


chomp (my ($n, $m) = split / /, <STDIN>);
my $MOD = 1_000_000_007;
sub nPk {
  my ($n, $k) = @_;
  my $r = 1;
  while ($k) {
    $r *= $n;
    $r %= $MOD;
    $n -= 1;
    $k -= 1;
if (abs($n - $m) > 1) {
  print "0\n";
} elsif ($n == $m) {
  print (nPk($n, $n) * nPk($m, $m) * 2 % $MOD), "\n";
} else {
  print (nPk($n, $n) * nPk($m, $m) % $MOD), "\n";

sub nCk {
  my ($n, $k) = @_;
  my ($r, $j) = (1, 1);
  return 0 if $k > $n || $k < 0;
  $k = ($n - $k) if ($n - $k) < $k;
  while ($j <= $k) {
    $r *= $n--;
    $r /= $j++;


import java.util.*;

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        int n = Integer.parseInt(;
        int m = Integer.parseInt(;
        int MOD = 1_000_000_007;
        if (Math.abs(n - m) > 1) {
        } else if (n == m) {
            System.out.println((((nPk(n, n, MOD) * nPk(m, m, MOD)) % MOD) * 2) % MOD);
        } else {
            System.out.println((nPk(n, n, MOD) * nPk(m, m, MOD)) % MOD);

    static long nPk(int n, int k, int MOD) {
        long r = 1;
        while (k > 0) {
            r *= n;
            r %= MOD;
            n -= 1;
            k -= 1;
        return r;
Ruby Python Perl Java
Code length 287 Byte 314 Byte 386 Byte 794 Byte
Execution time 21 ms 64 ms 41 ms 111 ms
memory 1788 KB 3064 KB 384 KB 23764 KB


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