[PYTHON] Solving with Ruby AtCoder ABC110 C String Manipulation


This theme

AtCoder Beginner Contest C - String Transformation Difficulty: 946

This theme, string manipulation

Since it is a different lowercase letter, if you think about it the other way around, it means that duplication is taken into consideration, so the duplicate character string is ** hash **. Examine the reverse of the hash so that the back of the coin is the front. Ruby


s = gets.chomp.chars
t = gets.chomp.chars
h = {}
g = {}
s.size.times do |i|
  if h[s[i]]
    if h[s[i]].count(t[i]) == 0
      h[s[i]] << t[i]
    h[s[i]] = [t[i]]
  if g[t[i]]
    if g[t[i]].count(s[i]) == 0
      g[t[i]] << s[i]
    g[t[i]] = [s[i]]
puts h.flatten(-1) == g.invert.flatten(-1) ? 'Yes' : 'No'


h = {}
g = {}
s.size.times do |i|
  if h[s[i]]
    if h[s[i]].count(t[i]) == 0
      h[s[i]] << t[i]
    h[s[i]] = [t[i]]
  if g[t[i]]
    if g[t[i]].count(s[i]) == 0
      g[t[i]] << s[i]
    g[t[i]] = [s[i]]

We are getting the hash h that looks at the string t from the string s and the hash g that looks at the string s from the string t.


puts h.flatten(-1) == g.invert.flatten(-1) ? 'Yes' : 'No'

Get the reverse of the hash (swap key and value) with ʻinvert` and compare. Python

Code length(Byte) 375
Execution time(ms) 514
memory(KB) 22780


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