Try remote debugging of Java with Remote Containers in Visual Studio Code Insiders

With reference to this article, I was impressed by running the remote debug environment of Nuxt.js, so I will try the same with Java.

Environmental preparation

The environment used this time is as follows.

Tool name, etc. version
macOS Mojave 10.14.3
Docker 18.06.1-ce
Visual Studio Code Insiders 1.34.20-insider

Docker installation

If you have Homebrew installed, just command it. If you have not included it, please check it yourself.

$ brew install docker
$ brew cask install docker

Install Visual Studio Code Insiders

Only this.

#Install VSCode Insiders
$ brew cask install visual-studio-code-insiders

Let's put this extension in advance. remote.png

I will also include the Docker extension. (This is your choice.) docker.png

Development environment preparation

Get the source from:

$ git clone

Run from VSCode Insiders.

$ code-insiders vscode-remote-try-java

Then, the following dialog will be displayed, so press the button.


Debug execution

Open src / main / java / com / mycompany / app / and set the breakpoint.


Press F5 to stop at the breakpoint!



With just these steps, you can build a containerized Java development environment. This time, I just followed the official guidance, so I will learn the settings in detail and add it here.

Please wait for a while until the article is updated.


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