[Java] Explanation of Strategy pattern (with sample code)

What is the Strategy pattern?

One of GoF's design patterns, which is a behavioral design pattern.

If you want to change the process while the program is running, you can easily switch the algorithm on the client side by using the Startegy pattern.

Why use the Strategy pattern

By using the Strategy pattern, the client side can easily switch algorithms, which reduces the burden on the client side.

It also has the advantage of improving readability and ease of maintenance because the code itself is clean.

If you are programming normally, you tend to use conditional branching in if statements when switching processes. However, if the processing content becomes complicated and the number of conditional branches increases, it becomes difficult to grasp the corrected part and determine the range of influence during repair work, and it becomes easy to lead to a bug.

When to use it

It is used when it is necessary to switch the algorithm.

For example, it is effective when you want to change the difficulty level of the game from Easy to Hard, or when you want to change the processing depending on the gender.

Sample code

Let's implement one simple process using the Strategy pattern.

Processing content

Consider the process of judging the entrance evaluation of each university based on the score of the university entrance examination.

Four people, "Kenta Suzumoto, Aya Yoshimura, Naoya Fukunaga, and Mai Masuoka," took the entrance examination. The scores for each are shown in the table below.

Name Score (out of 100)
Kenta Suzumoto 90 points
Aya Yoshimura 80 points
Naoya Fukunaga 70 points
Mai Masuoka 60 points

Suppose these four people receive three grades: high difficulty college, average college, and low college. Let's see what kind of evaluation each will receive while switching with the Strategy pattern.

Code details

First, create a class to evaluate the score at the university. In this class, the process of calling the Strategy class and evaluating is described without directly describing the evaluation method.


public class SampleClass {
  BaseStrategy currentStrategy;

  *SampleClass constructor
  * @param firstStrategy Strategy to set
  public SampleClass(BaseStrategy firstStrategy) {
    this.currentStrategy = firstStrategy;

  *changeStrategy Change Strategy
  * @param newStrategy Strategy to change
  public void changeStrategy(BaseStrategy newStrategy) {
    this.currentStrategy = newStrategy;

  *getOpinion Get an evaluation
  * @param pointMap Test score
  public void getOpinion(Map<String, Integer> pointMap) {
    //Loop for the number of people in the class
    for (String name : pointMap.keySet()) {
      //Calculate evaluation result
      int result = currentStrategy.scoringTest(pointMap.get(name));

      //Output evaluation result
      if (result > 0) {
        System.out.println(name + "Mr .: Good evaluation");
      } else if (result == 0) {
        System.out.println(name + "Mr .: It is a normal evaluation");
      } else {
        System.out.println(name + "Mr .: It's a bad evaluation");

Next, create an interface for the Strategy class. This is to unify the method name in each Strategy class.

This time, only the scoringTest method, which is responsible for calculating the evaluation, is implemented. The evaluation result of the return value is 1 for a good evaluation, 0 for a normal evaluation, and -1 for a bad evaluation.


public interface BaseStrategy {
  *scoringTest Calculate the evaluation
  * @parame point Test score
  * @return Good evaluation: 1,Normal evaluation: 0,Bad evaluation:-1
  int scoringTest(int point);

Next, we will create an evaluation method at each university by inheriting BaseStrategy.java.

How to evaluate EasyUniversityStrategy 80 points or more is a good evaluation, 60 points or more is a normal evaluation, and 59 points or less is a bad evaluation.


public class EasyUniversityStrategy implements BaseStrategy {
  public int scoringTest(int point) {
    //If it is 80 points or more, it is a good evaluation
    if (point >= 80) {
      return 1;
    //If it is 60 points or more, it is a normal evaluation
    } else if (point >= 60) {
      return 0;
    //Bad evaluation if 59 points or less
    } else {
      return -1;

How to evaluate UsualUniverSityStrategy A good evaluation is 85 points or more, a normal evaluation is 70 points or more, and a bad evaluation is 69 points or less.


public class UsualUniverSityStrategy implements BaseStrategy {
  public int scoringTest(int point) {
    //If it is 85 points or more, it is a good evaluation
    if (point >= 85) {
      return 1;
    //If it is 70 points or more, it is a normal evaluation
    } else if (point >= 70) {
      return 0;
    //Bad evaluation if 69 points or less
    } else {
      return -1;

How to evaluate HardUniverSityStrategy A good evaluation is 95 points or more, a normal evaluation is 80 points or more, and a bad evaluation is 79 points or less.


public class HardUniverSityStrategy implements BaseStrategy {
  public int scoringTest(int point) {
    //If it is 95 points or more, it is a good evaluation
    if (point >= 95) {
      return 1;
    //If it is 80 points or more, it is a normal evaluation
    } else if (point >= 80) {
      return 0;
    //Bad evaluation if 79 points or less
    } else {
      return -1;

Finally, in the main class, we will implement the process of evaluating the scores of 4 people by the evaluation method of each university.


public class SampleMain {
  public static void main(String args[]) {

    Map<String, Integer> pointMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {
        put("Kenta Suzumoto", 90);
        put("Aya Yoshimura", 80);
        put("Naoya Fukunaga", 70);
        put("Mai Masuoka", 60);

    //Evaluated by EasyUniversityStrategy
    SampleClass sampleClass = new SampleClass(new EasyUniversityStrategy());
    System.out.println("Evaluation result of EasyUniversityStrategy");

    //Evaluated by UsualUniverSityStrategy
    sampleClass.changeStrategy(new UsualUniverSityStrategy());
    System.out.println("Evaluated by UsualUniverSityStrategy");

    //Evaluated by HardUniverSityStrategy
    sampleClass.changeStrategy(new HardUniverSityStrategy());
    System.out.println("Evaluated by HardUniverSityStrategy");

Execution result

Evaluation result of EasyUniversityStrategy Mai Masuoka: It's a normal evaluation Kenta Suzumoto: Good evaluation Naoya Fukunaga: Normal evaluation Aya Yoshimura: Good evaluation

Evaluated by UsualUniverSityStrategy Mai Masuoka: It's a bad evaluation. Kenta Suzumoto: Good evaluation Naoya Fukunaga: Normal evaluation Aya Yoshimura: It's a normal evaluation

Evaluated by HardUniverSityStrategy Mai Masuoka: It's a bad evaluation. Kenta Suzumoto: Normal evaluation Naoya Fukunaga: Bad evaluation Aya Yoshimura: It's a normal evaluation


I explained the Strategy pattern.

Even if you look at the sample code, you can see that the code is easier to understand than the conditional branching in the if statement. (I used to list conditional branches with if statements before ...)

It may be a little troublesome when considering class design etc., but considering the maintainability etc. later, the code will be cleaner if you use the Strategy pattern, so if there is an algorithm branch, please try using the Strategy pattern. !!

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