[PYTHON] Install skt-war-result

What is skt-war-result?

Python command line tool to display the latest siege battle results of the net game "Lineage M"


$ python -V
Python 2.7.16

$ python3 -V
Python 3.7.3

Install with pip

$ pip install skt-war-result


$ skt-war-result
Castle Acquisition Date Server Name Kent Castle Oak Fort Widderwood Castle
Castle Acquisition Date April 5, 2020 Depot 1 Tanaka Family Gorilla Park Liberte
Castle acquisition date April 5, 2020 Depot 2 HOALOHA2 Crescents HOALOHA
Castle Acquisition Date April 5, 2020 Depot 3 Attack on Titan Team NAMEKO
Castle acquisition date April 5, 2020 Ken 1 Death SAMURAI CAMARADE
Castle Acquisition Date April 5, 2020 Ken 2 Emulators EmuIators AntiKings
Castle acquisition date April 5, 2020 Ken 3 OldCastle Black Organization tatami
Castle acquisition date April 5, 2020 Ishi 1 Piyoko DelsolCounter PurpleRed
Castle acquisition date April 5, 2020 Ishi 2 Aegis JamPanFactory Gungnir
Castle acquisition date April 5, 2020 Ishi 3 Godless area Koba Ninja Village Army Rinjo



github https://github.com/Yumenoshima/skt-war-result

pypi https://pypi.org/project/skt-war-result/

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