[PYTHON] Install virtualenv

I often forget it, so make a note

Installation environment

Since it will be installed in the environment you use, describe that environment.

Middleware version
OS macOS Sierra
Python 3.6.1
pip 9.0.1
virtualenv 15.0.1

Since the basics are important, the method described in the official document is implemented virtualenv -Installation

Before the installation procedure, there are about 3 notes, so if you take a look

--It is recommended to install virtualenv-1.9 or above. Prior to 1.9, the pips contained in virtualenv were not downloaded from PyPI over SSL. --If you use pip to install virtualenv, we recommend that you use pip 1.3 or higher. Prior to version 1.3, pip was not downloaded from PyPI over SSL. --easy_install wasn't downloaded from PyPI over SSL and was corrupted in some subtle way, so it's recommended that you don't use easy_install to install virtualenv when using setuptools 0.9.7.

It seems that automatic translation is strange, but this time I will skip it because it seems that I do not have to worry about it.

Installation method

Here we will install using pip.

$ [sudo] pip install virtualenv

Execute the following command

$ virtualenv --version

Since the version is displayed properly, it seems that it is installed correctly.

Reference information

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