[PYTHON] Install Django

Installation of Anaconda https://www.anaconda.com/

After installing Anaconda, open Anaconda Navigator

Select "Environments" from the menu on the left of Anaconda Navigator and create a directory with Create. (This time, we will proceed as "my app".)

After creating myapp, click "▶" and select "Open Terminal".

(myapp) C:\Users\yourname>

If cmd.exe can be started in this state, execute the following command to install Django.

pip3 install django

Once you've installed Django with pip, run the following command to create your application.

django-admin startproject [your-app-name]

This command creates a directory for your Django application.

(myapp) C:\Users\yourname>django-admin startproject mydjangoapp_web

If you execute the django-admin command in the above state, a directory called mydjangoapp_web will be created directly under C: \ Users \ yourname, so the directory you want to create the folder as appropriate. To move to.

File Contents
__init__.py A script file that performs initialization when running a Django project
settings.py A file that describes the project setting information
urls.py File that manages the URL (address when accessing on the Web) used in the project
wsgi.py The main program part of the web application

Launch the app

Execute the following command with cmd.exe started from Anaconda Navigator

python manage.py runserver

After executing the above command, access localhost: 8000 with an internet browser. Press Ctrl + C to shut down the local server.


--Python Django Super Primer [1st Edition, 1st Edition], Yano Palm Tatsu, 2018-06-15

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